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"What the fuck is this Jin? It looks- smells like a crime scene happened." You turned around to look at him, but when you did you noticed someone hiding behind the opened door. Before you could even blink, they jumped out and lunged for you while holding a knife.

"Hui don't!" Jin yelled quickly as he closed the door behind him when he saw the male lunged out at you.

Jin's words fell on deaf ears as the Hui guy continued his attack. All you could think of was how sloppy his form was. Stepping out of the way, you grab his wrist and bent twisted it back mercilessly. He cried out in pain dropping the knife. Before the knife could leave his hand, you dropped your bag and picked up the knife with your other hand.

Quickly spinning on the heel of the foot closer to Hui, you gracefully spun the knife around in your fingers before tightly grabbing it so the blade was away from him. Before he could react, you bash the end of the knife's handle into the bridge of his nose. Causing him to get thrown off balance falling back onto his ass.

Before you could do anymore damage, Jin got between both of you. "Stop! Hui she's not a threat," Jin yelled at Hui, somewhat ignoring Jin again as he glared at you while wiping his bruised bloody nose. "[Y/n] he's not a threat either so drop the knife."

Feeling somewhat pissed and very petty, you stabbed the knife into the wall before glaring at Jin. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the body on the floor move, you held your breath when you noticed their arm changed positions. As if the guy was trying to reach for something on themselves without getting caught.

Jin turned to check on Hui and his nose, which was probably broken. You were about to say something but the body suddenly rolled onto their side. Pulling a gun out from their belt holster and pointing it at the couple sitting on the floor. You looked over noticing a gun tucked into the back of Jin's pants. Reaching over you pulled the gun out and shot at the suit guy. He was just taking aim at the girl too, but the boy next to her quickly shielded her with his own body.

You didn't take a moment to aim, but you still made a perfect shot to the head. Everyone stopped and looked over at you, but you couldn't tell if they were looking at you in amazement or fear. There was a gruesome thud against the carpet as the guy fell back to the floor.

The boy on the floor stared at you but went back to pain, he must've forgotten he was hurt when he saw the girl in danger. Holding the gun by the muzzle you handed it back to Jin without looking at him. "Start talking Jin." You told him when he hesitantly took the gun back.

Walking over to the now, definitely, dead body. You pushed them onto their back using your foot, picking the gun out of their hand you tucked it into the back of your own pants like Jin did. You stared at their lifeless eyes before turning your attention away.

"Those two over there are Hyuna and E'Dawn, and the guy you assaulted was Hui." Jin told you while pulling the knife out of the wall. "They're being hunted down by the-"

"Cube mafia, I can tell, I ran into that guy's tattoo twin on my way over here." Going over to Hyuna and E'Dawn, you crouch down by them, "Let me see his wound." Hyuna looked at you unsure and then at Jin, who reluctantly nodded to her. She hesitantly pulled the towel away from E'Dawn's side.

Rolling up your long sleeves, you carefully lifted the blood soak shirt up to see it. He cussed under his breath while you peeled the cloth off of the wound were it was beginning to get stuck too to exposed flesh. "He was shot right wasn't he, did the bullet go in?" You asked as you looked over at Hyuna.

"It dug in a bit, but we removed it already." She told you while nervously wringing the towel out in her hands.

"Good, he just needs stitches then. It's not a fatal wound but he will bleed out if we don't get him closed up. It grazed him, but deeply. Jin, do you know how to do stitches?"

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now