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Quickly rolling onto your back, you aimed the rifle at whoever was behind you. Whoever it was, was a lot faster than you estimated, at least they were faster than your trigger finger.

They reacted instinctively by kicking the rifle out of your hands and away from you. The clatter of the rifle skidding across the roof in the process being the only sound you heard besides your own heart beat now. You couldn't see their face in the lighting, but from their build you knew it was a guy. A bulky guy, and having the smaller body frame compared to them by default of being female, you knew the chances of winning were extremely slim.

But that slim chance would have to do. Quickly kicking your foot up between his legs, you dived into a roll putting more space between you. As dirty as it was to go for someone's family jewels like that, you just kept yourself focused on the slim chance.

As you land onto one knee. you heard him cuss out loud while grabbing his bruised pride to ease any of the pain located there. You reached down for your thigh holster, as you do he looks over his shoulder. As if he knew you were going for your secondary weapon. Now from the angle you're at, you can make out his face more. His once in pain eyes widen at your thigh. But from there everything goes into slow motion. As if time slowed down around us. That slim chance turn into non existent the second you feel the safety strap, that was suppose to secure your pistol around the back of its handle, get stuck instead. Locking it in place.

He realizes that right as you do. In a heart beat, he makes quick strides over and swings his leg back. The form he's using and the position of the kick clicks in your head. The fighting style is familiar, but you don't have time to dwell on it. Instead you raise your arm up effectively blocking his kick. As you do so you stand up from your crouching position. Turning away from him you raise your other arm, connecting your elbow into his chest.

But it's useless. The fight isn't about skill or experience. It comes down to, in the small roof space, who has more muscle mass. He does, he's going to in this fight. Your gun and duffle bag lay behind him out of reach. The pistol strapped to your thigh is useless since getting the strap unstuck would require your eyes to leave his figure for a moment. Which was not a risk worth taking in your current circumstances.
Well at least before you go out, you're going to give him one hell of a fight.

He suddenly cocks his own arm back and aims it for your head. Dropping and side stepping out of the way you feel the air pressure from the fist narrowly brush your cheek. Instead, his fist hits your hood off. With his arm outstretched like that, his side becomes vulnerable. Without a second late, you land two punches to his side and duck past getting behind him.

Kicking your leg back into his ass. He stumbles foreword falling, but while doing so he grabs your ankle. Before you could snap your leg away, not like you could with his intense grip. He pulls you, using your weight to pull himself back. Once he's upright he pulls you close enough to grab your arm and pin you down. You bite your lip in pain as loose grave and whatever else littered the top of the roof dug into your back.

Using his weight he holds you down, pinning down both arms by wrist next to your head. As an extra measure he keeps his knee against your chest. Not to crush you, but to pin you more securely. He stares down at you panting heavily. Without decent lighting you can still barely make out his face. After squinting in the dark, you see a surprisingly young baby face.

Suddenly his knee pressed more onto your chest, the sharp dig of his knee caused you to yelp in pain. For a second, you swear, his grip on your wrists dropped.

"You're.. you're a girl?" A slightly deep voice asked.

"You're a bunny?" Was the only thing you could reply with.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now