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"You look just as manly as the day we met you."

"Thanks, Hobi." You half heartedly teased back to him while you were self consciously tugging down the front of your wig's fringe again.

Since your class' play wasn't happening until the last two hours of the festival, every other homeroom on campus had their attraction launched into full swing. Even though you roughly had an hour more or less until the play was beginning seating, it seemed that everyone except you and Jimin were still running around backstage for final touch ups.

You could practically absorb all the jitters and excitement that radiant off of every classmate that dart past you like a human version of a energizer bunny. Which in contrast only worsen the way your dread sank in as a small spike in anxiety pricked you every now and then. Reminding you of your protagonist role in a story that you felt more volunteered into rather than a choice made by your own will. At least right now you know that stage fright was the least of your worries, as if you could go the rest of your life avoiding the dark.j

Figuring you can convince your nerves to unwind themselves if you trick them into thinking you were plopped onto the couch at home. Rather than the current musty red prop couch in the back room behind the temporary makeup station set ups. But at least you had company now since Jimin dipped out a while back fully donning his Juliet character, saying he had to get something last minute.

You were somewhat surprise at how Jin was managing to eat without being effected by the pungent odor reeking from the couch the three of your sat on. As you were momentarily distracted with how blissfully content and effortlessly handsome Jin look while eating some black bean noodles out of a to go container, your attention was lured over to where a wide eye Hobi was closely staring at you.

"Wow," Hobi did a small nod before turning to Jin exclaiming, "She really does look handsome, like it's crazy how handsome she looks."

Thanks? You contemplated saying out loud, but compromised for an indirectly awkward nod in response to him. Beaming his dimpled smile back towards you with that signature sparkle drawn in his eyes, he leaned in closer towards you as his eyes analyzed ever aspect of your face's appearance.

"It really blows my mind how different she looks. Seriously they even gave her a five o clock shadow using makeup, that's really impressive." Hobi kept on complimenting in admiration of your transformation into Romeo. You'd be lying if you said you didn't think as a guy you weren't attractive.

Considering when you were doing some minor exploring around the festival you were asked for your number at least a few times, but everything time it was always asked by a girl who claimed you were their type. Only for them to embarrassing retract their request once you explained in your own voice you weren't actually a guy. So yeah, the guy version of you was apparently hot, which didn't make you want to think about how others perceived the real female you. Not that you cared about something trivial like that or anyone's opinion on your matter of looks.

"You should see Jimin then, he looks really impressive too." You told him while stretching your arms out over your head. Kind of in the same boat as you, Jimin, even by your standards looked like a runway model. It almost felt unfair that he looked drop dead gorgeous in just a dirty blonde wig and medieval women's costume from the party city clearance bin.

Jin now speaking up as he pauses mid chew into his bite, he points out his dirtied wooden chopsticks while saying, "No way, I've seen Jimin knocked out drunk on the toilet before and his pretty privilege didn't help him out there."

Snickering at the way Jin scrunched his nose while saying 'Pretty privilege', you stretched your arms out in front of you as you make a counter comment to that, "I watch half of the classes guys question their sexuality over a cross dressing Jimin, I'm sure his charismatic ability is still in tack." Looking between the two as one went back to eating while the other checked their phone, you grew curious as to what the other members are up too.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now