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"We should just kill her."

Bad news?

"No, if she is Ace. We need her. She could be extremely valuable to us."

Good news?

"Seriously? You really think a girl could be valuable to us."


"Is Ace really even a girl?"


You looked around the booth at the seated males before you. Or what you were now calling, a sausage fest. Taehyung apparently called the rest of BTS and said that we were meeting at a halfway point to meet the others. The halfway meet up point literally being a cozy small café with an even smaller old lady being the only other person there. You didn't pay much attention to her because all she really did was watch k-dramas behind the counter while eating a whole tin of sugar cookies.

Jungkook stayed by you as an order by the one male, who you called Fluffy, who was also noticeably shorter than the others. Yet, somehow he was still taller than you. Plus you noticed he was probably the only one who didn't have his hair dyed. Unless black wasn't his natural hair color.

You instantly recognize two of the men there. One was RM, the leader, also the fake hit they created to trick and trap you. The other one was the one who was driving and staying with RM, aka the one you dubbed Shoulders. But you assumed that he was RM's right hand man more or less. Every now and then he would whisper something to RM. A small part of you, your inner teen probably, couldn't help but envy his fluffy pastel pink hair. A shade you were internally thinking about trying if and when you'd ever actually dye your own hair.

After listening to four of the group members bicker on like old women you began to look around more. Your current location was a petite hole in the wall, you assume family run, café. Which resulted in you sighing out a mix of boredom and irritation.

Feeling the hairs of your neck prick up, you looked around with only your eyes before turning your head to the left. You were instantly met with a pair of light brown eyes. You would call them soft mochi brown, but the boy himself looked like anything but soft.

His surprisingly plump lips curl up into a small Cheshire cat grin. "I'm surprised that Ace turned out to be a girl." He had an elbow propped onto the table with his chin on his palm. Besides his full lips, slightly puffy eyes, or the confusing hair color which you couldn't figure out if it was faded silver or faded gold. The only facial feature that stuck out more to you, was the single crooked tooth, which was kind of adorable in it's own way.

"You and everyone else here I guess." You replied while playing with the ends of your bangs out of boredom, a habit you got from your dad. Maybe the only thing you had as proof of being his kid. All his habits, including the habit where killing was easy to you.

"But I'm probably the only one here whose more surprised Ace is really hot." He said in a flirty tone, then reached forward with his hand, brushing his finger tips gently upwards tilting your head up slightly. Then he ended with his thumb and index finger holding your chin.

A forced smile found it's way onto your lips. If it wasn't for you being sandwiched in the booth between Jungkook and him, you would've bolted away from him as soon as his reached out his hand. Instead all you could do was fight the urge not to beat his ass, the only reason you didn't is because you worried you'd freak out the poor old lady. That and you were completely outnumbered if a fight were to actually break out.

"I recommend if you want to keep that hand you stop touching me. It'd be embarrassing for you to pull your head out of your ass in front of everyone." You said in the sweetest voice you could muster. You smiled less forcefully when he retracts his hand away from you after your threat. But he still wore his grin, "I like feisty girls anyways, they're more of a challenge." Which caused your smile to go back to being forced.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now