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Pulling the frozen Jimin behind you, you sweetly answered, "Business partner's of Minhyuk."

You prayed that was the name of Jin's loud friend from earlier, saying his friend's name to transition smoothly into a lie. You didn't want to say Jin's name so if you were both caught, you didn't want to risk the other members that were inside. Crushing your heel against Jimin's foot discreetly, you hoped he'd snap out of his shellshock state faster.

You were acting so cocky earlier, and now you choose to be brain dead silent?! You internally screamed as you twisted your heel into his toes.

For now your lied payed off, Mr. Kang noticeably relaxed after hearing Minhyuk's name. He wasn't so much muscular or brawny as he just had a bigger frame. Yet, it felt like he was towering over you and Jimin, making his relaxed state nonetheless threatening or intimidating.

"Forgive me then, it seems Minhyuk's made new business partners. What were your names?" You noticed when he asked he kept trying to look over you at Jimin. Straightening your back to cover Jimin from Mr. Kangs view, you spoke up again.

"Lee Chanmi, and this my friend-"

"Park Jimin." The façade dropped off your face as you snapped your head back to Jimin with silent horror written across your face. Your heart nearly stopped hearing Jimin expose his name like that. Although if you didn't react you could've played it off as a fake name. Except Mr. Kang was making the exact same face you did, as if you both never expected to hear that name.

Your jaw dropped slightly as you continued to stare at him in shock, for some reason his voice was filled with venom. But you knew it wasn't because he felt like he was in danger, no his tone was only poisonous in the sense of overdue revenge. A type of vengeance that's become lethal enough to cause irreversible harm to its user. Jimin stood straight up from his previous petrified state. When he turned around, you saw that the gel in his hair was beginning to break up as his bangs fell forward in a rough side swept manner.

Jimin looked straight at Mr. Kang, avoiding your eyes but grabbing you to pull you behind him instead. The two males were locked into an intense staring contest. His grip around your arm held you in pace behind you, as if he was afraid you'd jump into their cross fire by saying something.

The staring contest was interrupted as female voice called out in a sing song voice for Mr. Kang. Although his grip was firmly cuffed around you, it was shaking every now and then as Jimin's spur of bravery began to run out. You were about to pull Jimin away in the small window time that voice opened up for you, ready to make up some excuse or lie to save your asses. But another person beat you to it.

"Honey, it's cake time come on!" The same overly cutesy voice was from a cheerful woman who came into the hall from the party room. She squealed in excitement as she pulled Mr. Kang away by the arm. Thankfully she was completely blissfully obvious to the murderous stares being shot back and forth. Mr. Kang didn't dare to tear his eyes away from the both of you, even as he was pulled through the doors leaving the hallway.

Jimin's shoulders slump as he sighed out the breath he was holding hostage. His grip instantly dropped from you, the same hand of his reaching up to comb his hair back, only for it the gel free locks smack limply in front of his forehead once more.

Without wasting time, you didn't want to find out whether or not Jimin just got you two killed, you dragged him by the front of his suit further down the hall. At least far enough to be out of earshot and plain sight. You could tell Jimin was thrown off by your strong grip, seeing as you easily got pulled behind him previously. Also that he stumbled to keep up with you as your heels made your current state of fury clear in every striking snap against the cold marble floor.

Ace For Hire // BTS Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now