The Meet and Greet

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One day I was sitting in the apartment me and my best friend Riley share, talking about how Sam and Colby was coming on tour, to our home town Phoenix Arizona. We were so excited, that we already bought tickets. We sat there thinking about how awesome it's going to be meeting them. We went to bed early so we could get up in enough time to pick out what xplr shirt we should wear. We decided to take my car to the show. As we were arriving we saw Sam and Colby in the parking lot discussing what they should do for the show. We thought maybe we could go and help them think of something to do. We were very nervous,what if they don't like us. We slowly walked up to them and said, "hi." Sam and Colby said, "hi who are you?" We said, " We are big fans" then we introduced ourselves. They asked us if we had any ideas for the show. We said "Maybe you could make up another dance, like you did at one of your other shows. We will even help you choreograph it if you want us to." They said ok and we spent the rest of the time making up a dance and switching phone numbers. We head into the building where Sam and Colby would be performing, and see Brennen Taylor. He looked at me and made me feel like the only person there. He walked up to us and said "hi." We told him our names then he asked, "do you know where Sam and Colby is?" We Told him they went in the back of the building to avoid crazy fans he said thanks then asked for our numbers and said "We will have to get together sometime." We said sure and continued to the room where Sam and Colby would be performing. While we were watching their show I noticed Colby couldn't take his eyes off Riley.

To be continued...........

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