The End

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We all stood in the living room and realized we really didn't feel like shooting another video so we all decided to stay home. "So I packed for nothing," I said jokingly.  Brennen tackled me onto the couch and said, "yep". We all laughed. We sat on the couch and watched tv until we all fell asleep, well everyone but me. I looked around at everyone sleeping. I remember how far we had come. We started out at fangirl and ended up as wives, who new. It was peaceful, unlike everything else in our lives. I then started doing a mental recap of my life. We go to The Meet and Greet, who new that's where I'd meet my husband. Then we ended up Joining The Tour, that was one of the greatest moments of my life. Then Brennen Taylor and I get a bit closer. Next the guys realized they wanted us with them in the trap house and we ended up Moving In. Then I ended up getting asked out and I remember getting so excited on the day of The Date after that Riley and I got asked out and I was super excited on the date of The Double Date. Then we ended up running Into Colby's ex I remember thinking wow colby dated her I mean she looked psycho I mean Not Her right? Then things just went downhill from there I had some Trouble At Home and had to return home for a few days. Then we found if Riley's dad was on Life Support. That was a terrible day. Of course what any good friend would do I needed to cheer her up so I called and Shane Dawson agreed to meet with us to cheer Riley up. Next was the day I never thought I'd have to face this early we had to go Casket Shopping then we had The Funeral. Then to make everything better there was The Hint from Colby then The Ring then Colby got down on one knee on The Proposal day. Then I got to be a bridesmaid at The Wedding. Then all hell broke loose. I thought I was gonna lose both of my best friends in The Crash but the there was The Miracle. Things didn't get much better from there. We went the The Haunted Orphanage, which honestly was really creepy. Next I had a terrible prank played on me I thought I had lost my boyfriend I remember as I left I wanted to hear his voice say Please Don't Go. Then we had a Stalker. Long story short we got kidnapped and taken to a Warehouse and well the rest I just wanna call history. Then I got a Wedding Ring and Wedding Bells of my own. Next we had out Honeymoon. Next Brennens friend got possessed and it feels like Billy Always Waching. Next it was back hole again I had to deal with some Abuse and a Suicide, but I ended up Recovering. Then we ended up reporting Stacy at the Police Station after we were accused of lying which slept Riley and I for a bit. But hey best friends are never apart for long I was glad to say that the Best Friends we're Back Together Again. Next they ended up catching Stacy and I was so glad to say that It's Over. Next Brennen and I had our First Fight but it didn't last long. Then Sam and Colby got arrested I remember thinking well it was gonna happen sooner or later but honestly it was Too Soon. Lastly we were at Peace oh and I also found out that I was just in a fan-fiction which I still don't believe all the way I mean Forth Wall who?

The End

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