To0 soon?

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I wake up to my phone buzzing on the table beside me. I grab me phone and answer it "hello?" I ask. "Fam, you wanna go exploring with us tonight?" Riley asks. "Um yes" I say. "Well get ready because we have to catch a flight in a few hours" she replied. "What, why?" I ask. "We're going to Florida" she says. "Oh ok I'll be at the trap house in 10" I reply. "Kk. See yah then." She says. "Kk bye" I said before hanging up the phone. I put my phone back on the desk and tile over and wrap my arm around Brennen. "Babe. Get up" I say. He roles over, looks at me, then smiles. "I'm going exploring with Sam, Colby, and Riley tonight. I have to get ready we're catching a flight in a few hours" I told him. "Ok babe, have fun" he replies sleepily. I chuckled then proceeded to get out of the bed. I got ready and headed over to the Traphouse. When I got there I was greeted to Riley arms around me. I laughed then ask"so what time is the flight?" "It's in one hour I say we go and get something to eat before then" Colby says. "I VOTE FOR TENDER GREENS" Riley yells. We all laughed. "TENDER GREENS IT IS" I yell back.  We all went to eat then got on our flight. When we arrived in Florida he immediately went and checked into our hotel. For the rest of the night we hung out in the hotel.

The Next Day

We all wake extra early and head over to where we would be exploring. When we finally arrive he park at a small gas station. We started the walk to this old abandoned building. As we were walking we saw a pair of headlights behind us. Colby and Sam tell us to run into the building so we do. We made sure not to run to far inside so we wouldn't get lost. Next thing we know we hear yelling. "GET ON THE GROUND" we hear. Riley and I look at each other. 'Did they get caught' I thought to myself. We peek out a broken window and see Sam and Colby laying on the ground with cops around them. We didn't know what to do. We run out of the building and behind this bush that was full enough that the cops couldn't see us, but it was close enough we could hear. "Who else is out here with you?" One cop asks. "No one sir it's just us two" Colby replies. "I thought I heard what sounded like running on the leaves in the opposite direction you guys were heading" he says. Colby didn't reply. Riley and I knew that at that moment if we didn't get out of there we would get caught. We sneak our way far enough to wear the cops can't hear us then book it to the car.

Colby's P.O.V

I'm laying on the ground hoping the girls got away. The cop that had his gun pointed at me just told his backup to go search the area. Almost 30min later the come back. "No signs of anyone else" one of them says. I am relieved.

Riley's P.O.V

"We have to go back for them" I tell Aspyn. "Riley we cant we'll get caught." I reply.

Aspyn's P.O.V

"Riley do you still have your spare key?" I ask. "Yea" she replies. I was relieved. We got into the car but didn't leave. We sit there hoping maybe they let them go. We sit there for a good hour. Then Riley gets a call. "Hello" she answers. "Hello is this Mrs. Brock" I hear a voice say. "Yes ma'am" she says. "You husband was just locked up. He was found trespassing with another boy about his age." The person says. I didn't know what to do. What were we gonna do. How much was the bail gonna cost. Riley gets off the phone then says. "We need to call all the roommates and get them to help. Sam's bail in $2,000 and Colby's is $6,000. "WHAT" I yell. I immediately turn in the car and drive back to the hotel. We both start calling everybody. We come up with Sam's bail money but Colby's bail money was a problem. We call mine and Riley's parents. They thankfully helped. We were able to bail them out but Colby has to wait a few more hours. We were relieved that they were ok. Who knows what would happen to them if they had a trial. The ride back to the hotel was the quietest. When we got to the hotel I started scrolling through Twitter and saw that there was a new trending hashtag. I clicked on it and started laughing. #FreeSamandColby had so many memes. All the fans were like 'eh we knew it was gonna happen eventually.

To be continued.........

Sorry for not posting in so long I've had the flu and school has been taking up so much of my time.

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