Wedding Bells

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1 month after the proposal

I wake up so excited I can barely breathe. I put on some clothes and leave a note for Brennen that reads, Gone to get the dress see you at the castle xoxo. I step outside and call an Uber. I take it to the trap house. When I get there I go inside and see everyone in the kitchen. Devyn comes up to me and gives me a hug. "Riley's upstairs getting ready, she should be down in a few" Colby says. I nod and go stand with Devyn. When Riley finally comes down she gives Colby a kiss and we leave. We get to the dress shop and I help Devyn and Riley pick out there bridesmaids dresses.

 We get to the dress shop and I help Devyn and Riley pick out there bridesmaids dresses

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Brennens P.O.V

I wake up to Aspyn gone. I look around and see this note on my night stand. Gone to get the dress see you at the castle xoxo. I smile and begin getting my outfit together. I finish with my outfit then I get a call "hello?" I say nervously. I didn't know what to expect after what happen last year. "Hello, this is Rachel Nova I'm Aspyn's mom. She gave me this number to call if I ever couldn't get a hold of her. She told me it was her boyfriends?" "Yes ma'am this is Brennen" I say relived. "Ok great, can you tell me the address for the wedding again please?" "Yes ma'am it's 537 Oak Road" I tell her. "Thank you so much Brennen. Also I'm so glad she's marrying you." She says with glee in her voice. "Thank you Mrs. Nova, I'm glad I'm marring her to." "Well I'll see you there." Mrs. Nova hung up, then I went into the bedroom and got ready since it was getting close to when the wedding would start.

Aspyn's P.O.V

We finish getting the dresses and head to the castle. When we got there we see an old castle with rose bushes at the front and pretty vines with blue roses coming down from the paneless  windows. We go inside and see the seating and the arbor draped in blue roses in vines. I began to cry then Riley asked "what's wrong?" I look at her and say "it's all so beautiful and I'm just so happy I'm marrying Brennen." We set up a few more things then everyone starts to arrive. I went behind a stone wall with my dad and waited for the wedding song to start

🎶 The Wedding March 🎶

My dad walks me down the aisle towards Brennen.

Brennens P.O.V

I see aspyn turn the corner and immediately start to smile. "Im the luckiest man on the earth, she's so beautiful." I thought to myself. Aspyn finally makes it next to me and I see my mom begin to cry.

Aspyn's P.O.V

It comes time for us to say out vows Brennen says his then I say "Brennen I knew I loved you from the first time we met, your the light of my life and I don't know what I would do if it was ever put out. You make me smile, you make me laugh in my darkest times. I love you with all my heart. Falling for you wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing I'm home. We then say our I do's then we hear "by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. Me and Brennen kiss as everyone claps. After the wedding we meet up with Riley, Colby, Sam, Kat, Corey, and Devyn in the parking lot and tell them about how we're going to Australia for our honeymoon. They all looked surprised then Riley said "have fun!" "thanks" I say. We tell everyone goodbye then we head home since our flight was tomorrow.

To be continued.........

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