Back to LA

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I woke up to Colby, Riley, and Brennen still asleep, so I decided to make breakfast. I cook eggs, bacon, and toast. They all wake up and say "wow that smells good!" I say thank you then tell them to sit down. They all gather at the bar in the kitchen as I set down the plates of food. The eat all of the food the Brennen turns to me and says "I woke up in the middle of the night and got bored so I bought plane tickets back to LA. I say "thank you, I was wondering when we were going to buy those."
He said "no problem, it gave me something to do." We all get our stuff together and head out the door when I hear my mom yell from the top of the stairs "by guys, nice meeting you Brennen and Colby." The boys laugh and say "nice meeting you to, Mrs. Nova." We order an uber and head to the airport. When we get there we see a familiar face but can't make out who it is. We get closer and see its Shane. We walk up to him and say "hey are you heading back to LA to." He nods  "yea I'm waiting for Ryland to get out of the bathroom" He said with a light grown. "What time is your flight "12:00 but we are taking a detour because we want to visit Utah." "Cool ours is at 12:30." I say with a smile 😊. "Well we better get to our gate" Shane says as Ryland is coming out of the bathroom. We wave goodbye and head towards our gate. When we get there we sit down for a few minutes since it was only 12:00 and we had 30 minutes to waste. I put in my headphones and started to listen to Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco. And fell asleep on Brennens shoulder. I wake up to Brennen saying "hey our flights in 5 minutes" I open my eyes and stretch. We board the plane and take our seats since this plane had a row of four seats on one side, we all sat together. I sat next to the window, Brennen sat next to me, Colby sat next to Brennen and Riley sat in the seat closest to the aisle. We all get eager the closer we get to LA. When there was only thirty minutes left, a flight attendant came out and handed out these little snacks and asked us what we wanted to drink. I got dr. pepper, Brennen got the same, Riley and Colby got Coca-Cola. We finished up our drinks and snacks and slept the rest of the way.

As the plane is landing

I wake up to us landing and look over to see everyone still asleep. I wake them up one by one and tell them "hey we're landing time to wake up." We get off the plane and head to the parking lot to see Brennens car where we left it. We got in and headed towards the trap house. When we make it there we walk in and see Devyn, Corey, Jake, and the Vlog Squad standing there with a welcome home sign.
Next thing we know they drop the sign and start spraying us with silly string. We all laugh and say "thank you guys," they all say "your welcome!" Then well all go and play video games.

10:00 after playing video games

The Vlog Squad leaves first then Brennen. I say "goodbye" and give him a kiss. Once he was out the door I told the house mates "I'm tired, I'm going to bed see u guys in the morning." I head up to my room and put on my pajamas and drift of to sleep.

To be continued..........

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