Haunted Orphange

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Previously on Meeting Sam and Colby

Then we hear a knock on the door, could it be Elton?

I go up to the door and open it to see Elton. Brennen runs up to him and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. I run up to them and say "ok ok let's try and talk this out before we kill someone please." Brennen let's go of his collar and says "fine." We all go and sit at the dining table. We sit there in awkward silence and then I say "Elton why are your here after what you said? Also why did you say it?" Elton looks at Brennen, Colby, and Riley then at me next he says "I..I..." Colby looks and him and says "spit it out!." I look at Colby and mouth the words shut up. He leans back in his chair then I say "Elton why did you say that?" He looked at me and said "Amanda just left me for this other dude and I..I got jealous of how happy you and Brennen was and not to mention how Colby and Riley are married. I mean I thought I was going to marry Amanda." I smile and say there you go now no ones getting killed." Elton looks at me with this confused looks and says "what!" "Nothing." I say laughing. We all talk to Elton for a little bit then I say "well I hate to cut us of short but we have a Sam and Colby video to film."  Elton leaves then Riley and Colby does, so they can go and change for the video. Me and Brennen go into our room and change to. I put on a pair of ripped jeans a black choker, black and white high top converse, and a t-shirt with a dolphin on it.

As Brennen and I got into the car my phone rung

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As Brennen and I got into the car my phone rung. I picked it up and saw Unknown Number. I put it on speaker and said "hello?" Then this bloodcurdling voice spoke "I'll find you. I'll find you. I'll find you." Brennen grabbed the phone and said "who are you?" At that time the person on the other end hung up. We decided not to worry about it till we got home. We meet up with Riley, Sam, and Colby a few blocks from the orphanage. Riley was wearing a shirt like mine but with a kola, she wore a black choker, black and white high top vans, a pair of black ripped jeans, and her hair in a braid.

We filmed the intro and headed on to the orphanage Sam, Colby, and Riley were in the front and me and Brennen walked in the back

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We filmed the intro and headed on to the orphanage Sam, Colby, and Riley were in the front and me and Brennen walked in the back. We only saw a few cars and when we did we either went behind a bush or a tree in the woods next to us. Then I herd Colby say "ok guys we'll see you when we're closer to the orphanage." He stoped the camera and came back to where me and Brennen were walking and said "hey Aspyn, do you mind telling everyone about this place when we get closer." I nodded and said "yea." He smiled and ran back up to Riley and put his arm around her. Then we come up on this old looking house.

We go up to the front porch and film the information part

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We go up to the front porch and film the information part. Colby turns on the camera and says "Aspyn will be explaining the history about this place." He steps of camera and nods telling me to start. "This place was abandoned about six years ago. It used to be a home for orphans of all ages. Many people have reported giggles, sounds of bouncing balls on the floor, and crying can be heard from the road at night." I smile and say "great time to be here I guess." Colby grabs the camera and we head into the house. I grab Brennens hand as we go through the door and Riley grabs Colby's. When we get in, most of the inside is demolished except for this one room. I asked Riley if she wants to go in and she says "sure." I stop everyone and say "hey, me and Riley are going into this room." "Ok we're gonna head towards the back." I nod as Riley and I go into the room. Then we hear WHAM!! The door shut behind us. Then we see Brennen and Colby running up to us. "Well I guess it's our time" Riley says. I give her a confused look and try to open the door. The my phone starts ringing which is weird because there's no service. I look at it and see Unknown Number. Then I hear Brennen say "put it on speaker and hold it up to the window in the door" he must have saw it. I answer and hear the bloodcurdling voice "I found you. I found you. I found you." Then it hung up. I looked at Colby and said "I swear if this is a prank." He shook his head and said "I swear on my life..." I stop him and say "I wouldn't say that considering the situation we're in." Then we saw Sam running up to the door with an axe. "Here" He said handing it to Colby. "Step back" Brennen yelled! Colby started bashing the door with the axe. He finally mad a hole big enough. Brennen crawled through it and ran up to me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed me. I began to cry then he said "I was so scared. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." I smiled at him and said "me to." When we headed to the door I saw Riley and Colby hugging. We all ran out of the house, and decided to only show the parts where you couldn't hear us cause apparently Sam was filming before we got trapped and didn't turn the camera of after. We said goodbye to Sam, Colby, and Riley then we got in Brennens car. On the way home I put my head on Brennens shoulder and stared out the windshield. We made a turn onto this street that looked kind of scary but that's what the GPS told us to do. It starts to rain really hard then we come upon this house. We see a man standing on the porch in a black hoodie and something in his hand. Then I turn to Brennen and say "that's a knife." Brennen quickly puts the car in reverse and leaves the house. We decided to try and make it home by instinct. We finally get to this road we recognize. We head home but once we get there something feels off. First of all Kobe is usually barking, second we left the Living room light on. We go up to the door and open it. I grabbed Brennens arm and say "babe this doesn't feel right." "Your right lets go get in the car" he says worried. When we get in the car I say "what should we do?" He tells me to call Riley and see if they're home.

On the phone

Riley: Aspyn what are you doing I thought you would be asleep

Me: Can we come sleep over there tonight

Riley: yea I guess, what's wrong

Me: I'll explain when we get there thanks

Riley: no problem

I get of the phone and we head to the trap house. When we get there we explain everything and Riley says "OML are you guys ok?" I smile and say "yea we're just tired." "Ok we are to." Colby and Riley say at the same time. Me and Brennen go up to the spare bedroom and cuddle up. We watched a few of his old vlogs on his phone which I thought they were cute but I could tell he was kind of embarrassed. He puts his phone away and I fall asleep on his arm.

To be continued.........

I want to thank riley_brock ❤️ for helping me with this story. Also if your have any suggestions comment them here.

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