Casket Shoping

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It's a kitten scratching at the door. We open the door and it runs in and lays down on the couch. I immediately go and get some left over chicken, that we ate at dinner, and my old cat dishes that my cat Oscar used (we had to put him down). The kitten started to eat right away, Brennen looked for any tags and found none. We started to hunt for the chip detector that my mom owned from when she was a veterinarian. Brennen looked in the garage and I looked in the room we used for storage. Brennen came running into the room saying " I found it I found it." We go and check the kitten for a chip and something happen. THE KITTEN HAD A CHIP! We start to get excited, so we checked the name and we stoped jumping immediately. The owner was the girl that died in a house fire a few weeks ago. My mom told me all about it. Brennen turned to me and said "what now" "we'll we can't s put it back out side. We will have to keep it" I said. "I will ask Colby in the morning if it's ok if we bring it back to La" I also said. Brennen nods as we sit back down on the couch. We cuddle up to each other and then the kitten come and sits on both of our laps. We pet it for a little while and fall asleep.

The next morning

We are woken up by Riley and Colby laughing over a joke Colby just told. They ask us "where did the cat come from?" Brennen and I told them the story then started to make breakfast. We ate then left my mom a note that tells her we went out to look for a casket for the funeral. Be back in a bit xoxo.

At the casket shop

We go in the door and immediately we are greeted by a sales person. He turns to us and says "hi my name is Connor and I will be helping you today. What are you guys looking for." Me remembering Rileys dads favorite color was blue I say "we are looking for a blue casket." Riley turns to me and says "you remember." "Of course" I tell her as I give her a big smile. Connor takes us over to a section that has a ton of blue caskets. We pick one that has blue velvet on the inside with white bedding. As we head out the door we hear Connor say "have a good day."

Back at home

As we start in the door my mom says "what do you guys want for lunch?" We all agree to a bologna and cheese sandwich. As we are eating my mom asks "what kind of casket did you guys pick out?" Not even asking about the cat. We told her about the casket, then we went upstairs to my room to play some Mario cart, which was all I had. We played it for a bit, (I won) then we went to bed. Me and Brennen slept on the couch again and Colby and Riley slept in my room. I fell asleep in Brennens with my head in Brennens lap thinking what a day it has been.

To be continued.............

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