First Fight

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I wake up to Brennen carrying me into the house. I wrap my arms around his neck and say  "babe I could have walked." He just smiled at me. When we got inside he took me into the bedroom and laid me down in the bed. He took my shoes off and covered me up. He then takes his shoes off and got into bed with me. We slept the rest of the day. We were at peace knowing she was gone and couldn't hurt us anymore. In a way I felt bad for her. I mean she was crazy yes but we're all fan girls. She just went to far. I don't know maybe she was always like that or it just got out of hand. I quit thinking about Stacy and went to sleep. Then I hear a knock on our bedroom door. I didn't want to get up, one because I was so comfortable snuggled up to Brennen, and two because I've had some bad history with opening up doors to knocks. I carefully got out of bed making sure not to wake Brennen and opened the door to see Billy standing there. "Yes" I ask in confusion. "What's your favorite animal" he asked. "Um a dolphin why" I asked. "It's a surprise" he said. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything else. I got hungry so I went to the kitchen and got a snack. "Hey I'll be back in a bit" Billy said leaving the house. I didn't question it and just went back to bed. I laid back down next to Brennen and fell back asleep.

Brennens P.O.V

I slowly wake up and see that Aspyn's still asleep. I look at the time and see that it's 9:30pm so I decided to order dinner. Pizza is Aspyn's favorite so I ordered that. I noticed the house was unusually quiet 'where was Billy' I thought to myself. I ignored it and continued to place the order. A few minutes before the pizza got here I woke Aspyn up. "Hey babe, I ordered your favorite" I said. She rolled over, smiled, and sleepily said "pizza yay." I laughed. We went into the living room and sat down on the couch. I turned on the tv and we watched Supernatural. Then there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it, it was the pizza guy. I payed and thanked him. We ate pizza as we watched Supernatural. After we were done eating we went to bed.

In the morning

Aspyn P.O.V

I wake up feeling safe for the first time in a long time. I go into the living room and see a huge stuffed animal dolphin laying on the couch with a note. You have been to hell and back hope this can help a bit~Billy
"Awe" I couldn't help but say out loud. "What" I hear Brennen say behind me. "Billy got me this" I said. "Oh" he replied. "Oh what" I asked. "It's just, oh never mind" he said looking at the ground. "I think someone has a case of jealousy" I say laughing. "What no" Brennen said. "Brennen you're my husband why would I all of a sudden fall for Billy if that's what you're worried about?" I ask. "I mean yea kind of he just does all these things and I feel like I'm not doing enough and I'm gonna lose you I mean we're still young" he says raising his voice. "Brennen yea he does these little things here and there but come on. Does he order me pizza? Does he snuggle up on the couch with me and watch my favorite show with me? Does he carry me inside while I'm asleep so I don't have to walk? That's why I fell in love with you Brennen. You put the ones you love first. You had no hesitation to carry me inside and put me to bed. You had no hesitation to do any of those things, and that's why I love you" I say pretty much yelling. "I'm gonna spend the night at Colby's I'll see you later" he said grabbing his keys. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen. We just had our first fight. I didn't know hat else to do I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door shut not thinking that Billy was asleep. I grab y phone and call Riley. "Hello" she said. "Hey" I say crying. "Fam what wrong" she replies. "Brennen and I just had our first fight and I didn't know what to do besides call you" I said. "Fam Brennen just got here" she said. I didn't say anything. "Riley" I hear Colby say. "Yes babe" she replies. "Can you come down here" he asks. "Fam I've got to go will you be ok?" She ask. "Yea" I say wiping tears away. She hangs up the phone then I hear a knock at my door. I open it to see Billy. "Hey I just want to say I'm so sorry and I'm taking the first flight to Australia" he said. "What, Billy, no you don't have to do that" I replied. He looked me in the eyes and said "Yea I do." Them he left the house. So many emotions ran through my head, sadness, anger, anxiety, I didn't know how to feel. I sat on the couch and stared at the wall. I eventually fell asleep. I woke up to warm arms wrapped around me. I moved around a bit then I heard Brennen say "I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to get jealous and I'm sorry." I smiled and said "yea it was wrong of you." He snickered then hugged me tight. We spent the rest of the day watching either playing video games or watching tv.

To be continued.........

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