Wedding Ring

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1 year after the kidnapping

I wake up to Brennen gone, so I get up and go into the kitchen looking for him. When I walk in I see him making breakfast. He looks away from the stove and says "good morning beautiful!" "Good morning" I say as I kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you for making breakfast" I said with a smile. "No biggy" he says. We sit down at the table and eat, "So I have a surprise for you but we have to wait for sunset." O....k" I say raising one eyebrow. We finished eating and decided to go over to the trap house to see Riley and Colby. We hoped into Brennens car and left. On the ride there we listened to TØP.

At the trap house

We finally arrive and go inside. We're greeted by buddy and Navi, then Riley and Colby. Me and Riley went upstairs to look and this choker necklace Colby had bought her.

Brennens P.O.V

The girls go upstairs leaving me with Colby which was perfect. "Hey can I talk to you for a sec" I say nervously to Colby. Colby comes into the living room from the kitchen and says "sure man what's up?" "Well this" I say as I pull a small box out of my pocket. "Do you think she'll like it?" I ask. "Are you kidding? She'll love it!"Colby said in awe. "Thanks man that makes me feel better" I tell Colby relieved. Then I hear Riley and Aspyn coming downstairs, I quickly put the ring back into my pocket.

Aspyn's P.O.V

I come downstairs to see Colby and Brennen talking about sports. We all play video games till 7:30. The Brennen says "well we've got to go." We say bye to everyone and head out. When we pull into the driveway to our house Brennen says "wait here." I wait for a few minutes then I see him in a suit waving for me to come in. When I get in I see a trail of red rose pedals leading to our room. I turn the corner and look in our room to see a beautiful blue dress.

Then I hear Brennen say "put it on then I have somewhere to take you

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Then I hear Brennen say "put it on then I have somewhere to take you." "Ok!!" I say very excited. I put on the dress and go into the living room, Brennen turns to me and says "you look astonishing!" I blush and say "thanks babe." We get in the car but when we stoped at this gas station Brennen blind folded me. We drove for what felt like forever until we came to a stop. Brennen helped me out of the car and I knew right away  where I was because I could here the waves crashing. Brennen leads me onto this wooden platform, then I hear the waves getting louder. We finally quit walking and I felt Brennen let go of my hand. Then he said "ok you can take it off." I take off the blindfold and look around and see the place where Brennen and I had had our first date. Then I see Brennen down on knee with this ring that has a beautiful sapphire.

"Aspyn Nova, will you make me the happiest man on the face of the earth and marry me?" I began to cry as I say "YES!!!" Brennen puts the ring on my finger, then he puts his arms around my waist as we kiss

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"Aspyn Nova, will you make me the happiest man on the face of the earth and marry me?" I began to cry as I say "YES!!!" Brennen puts the ring on my finger, then he puts his arms around my waist as we kiss. We stop kissing and look around to see everyone clapping and Colby filming. We watch the sunset then we go down to the beach to stick our feet in the water. We stay on the beach till 12:00am, then we head home. We said goodbye to Riley and Colby, then Colby gives Brennen the memory card. On the way home I put my head on Brennens shoulder. When we get home we get into our pajamas and lay down. We cuddle up together and fall asleep

To be continued.........

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