Shane Dawson

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"I figured we could go meet up with Ryland and Garret, and since I bought tickets we can go and see Tøp" said Shane in a very excited voice! Riley started to jump up and down so did me, Colby, and Brennen. As we headed out the door Shane said, "we can take my car."
We all agreed. Then as we were on our way to where Shane's hotel, to pick up Ryland and Garret, Riley turned to Colby, Brennen, and I and said "thank you, this is what I needed." We all smiled at her and said, " your welcome." When we got to the hotel we had to squeeze together so we could fit Ryland in the back with us. We started towards where Tøp would be performing. Shane put on Kesha and we all started singing.

A few minutes later

We're here finally here, it was farther then I thought. We go into the stadium, hand in our tickets, find our seats, and sit down. First Tyler came out on stage then Josh. As Tyler was singing Car Radio he did a flip off a piano. "I could see the fear in Riley's eyes." I think to myself.

After the concert

We all start walking towards Shane's car and Riley's stops us. She says "thank you" to all of us then she says "you guys are the bests friends, and boyfriend, I could ever have. I yell "group hug" and we all gather around and in a group hug for a whole minute. We finished hugging and got into the car. We all fell asleep on the way home.

At my moms house

Shane wakes us all up so we can go into my moms house. We say our goodbyes to Shane as he heads back to his hotel. My mom came in and said "who's going to sleep where." I tell Riley and Colby to go upstairs my room but they refuse. I tell them it's ok I can sleep somewhere else. They say "ok" and head upstairs. Me and Brennen decided to sleep on the couch. Before we went to sleep we decided to watch some Try not to Laugh vids. I started to drift off to sleep on Brennens shoulder. Then me and him wake up to this weird noise coming from out side. We both jumped up to see.

To be continued.............

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