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⚠️ Just a trigger warning ⚠️

7:00 that night

We all go to sleep so we could get up early to catch Brittany. Brennen and I go up to the extra bedroom and quickly fall asleep. I'm woken up to a rag over my face then I pass out.

Time idk

I wake up on a cold concrete floor. I look around and just see what looks like an old warehouse room. Then I here this voice come over an intercom I've got you. I've got you. I've got you. I looked around for a speaker but couldn't find one because it was so dark. Then I hear a familiar voice come over the intercom. Why didn't you like me? Why did you push me away? What did I ever do? Why do you hate me Colby? Why wasn't I aloud at the funeral? Why did I have to do this to get your attention. But most importantly would you die for love? Then I hear this click of a door I look over and see Brittany. She holds out a knife and says "come with me and you won't get hurt." I did what she said, I followed her into this bigger room she tied me in a chair and left. Then I saw her bringing Riley in. I look at Brittany and say "please don't hurt her I don't know what I would do if I lost her!" "SHUT UP." She yells which makes me flinch. She tied Riley down then she brought in Brennen and Colby they were tied with there hands behind there back and put on there knees in front of us. They also had blindfolds over there eyes she walked around us all in a circle then she took of there blindfolds and came over to us and held a knife up to both of our necks. "Where did she get the other knife" I thought in my head. Brennen and Colby try to get up but Brittany threatens to kill us if they move. Then I hear Brennen say "please don't hurt her she's the love of my life." Then Colby says "Brittany I'm sorry if I made you feel like I hated you it's just that when you first saw Riley instead of moving on you pushed her out of the way like she was nothing and trust me she isn't nothing. She the light of my life, I get lost in her eyes every time I look in them, she makes me want to  be a better man just so I cane be worthy of her love, she's my everything." Then we hear "DROP THE KNIFE." We look over to our right side and see three cops. Brittany says "no I've waited to long for this." The cops then say "you may have waited but do you really want to hurt your love?" "Ok I'll drop it but then Colby's mine. No one understands the love I have for him, not even him." "Of course." One of the cops say. She cuts me out first I run up to Brennen and untied him then I gave him a kiss and pulled him into a hug it felt so good to be back in his arms. Then she untied Riley and Riley ran up to Colby. "YOU LIED" she yelled, she dropped one of the knives but she stabbed herself in the heart with the other. One of the cops called for an ambulance then he checked her pulse "she's  gone" he said. We were leaded out of the warehouse by the cops. On the way out Brennen rapped his arm around me which comforted me Colby did the same for Riley. When we got outside we saw Sam, Aaron, Jake, and Corey. We walked up to them and they said "Brittany dropped her phone we picked it up and found notes of where she was taking you guys so we called the cops. "Thank you" we all said at once "anything to get you guys home safe." Brennen and I rode with Corey, and Colby and Riley rode with Sam home. Aaron and Jake rode home together.

To be continued.........

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