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⚠️ This part may be a little to violent for some people ⚠️

We make it back to my house and Brennen turned to me and said "are you sure?" "Yea I won't go all the way in just the door so we have a quick escape if you know what happens." I say holding back tears. "Ok babe what ever you want" Brennen says locking his lips with mine. We go up to the door and slowly open it. I see a pool of blood. I run up to the blood as I got close I see my dad laying there with a gun next to his hand. I turn around and Brennen pulls me into a hug. I put my head on his shoulder and cry my eyes out. He rubs my head as we stand there. I call the cops and tell them what happen and they come to the house. They do a finger print test and then they come back to where Brennen and I were standing. The tall cops said "this was a homicide not a suicide." "WHAT!!" Brennen yelled  startling me. "Who did it?" Brennen quickly asked. 'I didn't know he cared that much' I thought to myself. "We traced the finger print to someone named Rachel Nova. I gasped. "What you must be mistaken" Brennen said stepping forward violently. I put my hand on his chest telling him to stand down. He backed up and ran his fingers through his hair which told me he was stressed. The police officer walk off and I pulled Brennen into a hug and said "it'll be alright babe" Brennen put him hand on my chin and pulled my head up. "How are you so calm" he says. "I'm just in shock I guess" I say pulling Brennen back into a hug. The officer came back to us and said "we tracked you moms phone to a gas station 2 minuets from here."

At the gas station

The cops go inside and like 2 minuets later one of the officers came out and said "she has agreed to turn herself in if she sees you." Me and Brennen go into the store and see my mom with a knife to her neck. I start to cry. I make my way through the officers and get in the front. My mom looks at me and says "Aspyn I love you. Please forgive me." Then my mom takes the knife and slits her neck. "NOOOO!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I run up to my mom and get on my knees next to her. I cried harder then I have ever cried before. Brennen came up to me to me and put his hand on my back. I turn around and violently pull him into a hug making him have to step back so he wouldn't fall. We stood there then we decided to make our way home, we could have stayed in a hotel but I just wanted to get home.

At home

I wake up to Brennen carrying me bridle style then I fall back asleep.

In the morning

I wake up to voices coming from the living room. I go into the living room and see Riley, Colby, Corey, Sam, Devyn, Jake, and Kat. Riley immediately runs up and pulls me into a hug. Then Colby does the same. I told everyone thanks for coming then we sit on the couch and  watched tv. I laid my head on Brennens shoulder and he put his arm around me. His love was like a wool blanket. I was so happy to have a husband that cared so much about me. I just know I've never been so scared of losing something in my entire life, then again nothing in my life has ever meant as much as him.

To be continued........

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