Best Friends Back Together Again

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Riley's P.O.V

I get off Instagram feeling happy and guilty about what I said. "I mean if she did lie she broke our promise to each other but we also promised to never abandon each other" I thought to myself. It was getting late so I went up to Colby's room and saw him sitting on his bed on his phone. He looked sad so I went over and put my arm around him. "What's up babe?" I ask. "I don't know it's just I feel bad about abandoning them." He says looking at the ground. I picked my phone back up and texted Aspyn.

Colby's P

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Colby's P.O.V

I felt bad so I decided to text Brennen.

I felt better knowing he forgave me, I don't know what I would do without him

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I felt better knowing he forgave me, I don't know what I would do without him.

Aspyn's P.O.V

I got off the phone with Riley and put my phone away. I got cozy in the bed and looked at Brennen and it looked like he was texting Colby. I rolled over and drifted off to sleep

Brennens P.O.V

I finished texting Colby happy that he finally believed us. I put my phone on the night stand and look over to see Aspyn already asleep. "She looks so cute when she sleeps" I thought to myself. I laid down and drifted off to sleep.


Aspyn's P.O.V

I wake up to a loud knock on my bedroom door. I cautiously went up to the door and opened it. "Hey I made breakfast" Billy said. "You scared me" I said laughing. "Sorry" Billy said. I woke Brennen up and went into the kitchen to see this beautiful plate of breakfast. I mean it was just an omelette and bacon but it looked beautiful.

 @Aspyn_Taylor: had a wonderful breakfast, thanks @Billy_Chehad

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@Aspyn_Taylor: had a wonderful breakfast, thanks @Billy_Chehad

@Billy_Chehad: np glad you liked it

@Riley_Brock: mmmm looks yummy 😋

@Riley_Brock~fan: oooooo is the dream team back together again

@Colby_Brock: yep and don't expect to see it split up anytime soon

@Brennen_Taylor: ^

@Aspyn_Taylor-fam: glad you guys are back also The Dream Team is kind of catchy

@Brennen_Taylor: Yea your right ^

@Aspyn_Taylor: we shall now be known as The Dream Team

I liked the name The Dream Team it was catchy and with everything that's been happening it's like we're living in a dream.

Later that day

I just got back from an audition for a TV show and I am worn out. I finally pull in the driveway to see Billy's truck but not Brennens. I go inside and see him sitting on the couch. He runs up to me and pulls me into a hug. "What's going on?" I say. "I was worried she got you" He said. "What do you mean" I say starting to get worried. "I can't get a hold of Brennen. Now I'm not one to think about the worst but you know?" He says. "Yea I'll try calling him" I say reassuring Billy. I call Brennens number and no answer. I try a few more times and still no answer. Tears begin to role down my face. Billy got up off the couch and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Billy, I don't know what I would do without you" I say. He nods telling me  your welcome. Billy and I sit down on the couch, I try Brennen a few times and still nothing. "Did he say he was going anywhere?" I asked Billy. "No, not that I know of" he says also sounding worried. Then we hear a knock at the door. I was cautious to open it because now would be a perfect time to strike. I looked through the window and saw Brennen standing at the door. I open the door and say "where the heck have you been?" As I said that he pulled blue roses out from behind his back. I gasped and said "awww babe". "My phone died when you called" he said. "Well you scared me!" I say. "Well with everything going on I figured I would surprise you." Brennen said. "I also got Chipotle." He said lifting up a Chipotle bag. I grabbed the bag and ran away laughing. We eat as we watch Friends. We finished eating and decided to go out somewhere. We remembered that there was a frozen yogurt place near by.

At the frozen yogurt place

We walk into the store which was extremely cold. I got cookie dough, Billy got cheesecake, and Brennen got vanilla with graham crackers on top.

@Riley_Brock: Mmmmmmm

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@Riley_Brock: Mmmmmmm

@Colby_Brock: ^

@Aspyn_Taylor~fam: oooo looks good

We finished eating and saw that it was getting late so we headed home. We jammed out to My Chemical Romance all the way home. We had all the windows down with the wind blowing in our hair. We pull into the driveway and go inside. We decided to keep the good spirit going so we put on some music, on shuffle, and danced the night away. When we got tired we looked at the clock and saw it was 2:00 in the morning. We went to bed and we quickly fell asleep.

To be continued......

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