The Miracle

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Previously on Meeting Sam and Colby

Then we here "time of death 3:12." Riley looks up and says "I love you Colby."

Then all of a sudden we hear a beeping noise. I bring my head off Brennen and look at the monitor. "HE'S ALIVE!!" I yelled as Colby slowly opened his eyes. Riley puts her head in Colby's shoulder and starts crying. Colby put his arm around Riley and they stay like that for like 3 minutes straight. Then Riley gets up and asks the doctors "when can we go home?" The doctor in the front says "let us monitor you guys a few more days then we will tell you." Riley says "thanks" as she hugs Colby again.

One week later

I wake up to Brennen rapping his arms around me saying "it's time to get up babe. We have a lot to do today." I role over and meet my eyes with his and say "fine." He kisses me on the forehead and says "I love you." "I love you to" I say while smiling. We get up and get ready and head to the hospital.

At the hospital

We arrive at the hospital and head to Rileys room first. When we walk into the room I see Riley already dressed. I smile and say "can't get out of here fast enough can you." Riley roles her eyes in a playful way and says "don't get me started." Riley finishes getting her stuff together and we go into Colby's room. When we walk into the room we see Colby in his black ripped jeans and his Nervana shirt. When Colby finished gathering up his stuff we checked them out and left.

On the ride to the trap house

"Ok so since you were in the hospital and Sam was out of town and tomorrow is Sunday I looked up some places for you guys to explore." "When I was looking I found this haunted orphanage." Colby looked at me and said "wait really. You didn't have to do that." I smiled and said "no problem."

At the trap house

We're greeted by Sam, Kat, Corey, Devyn, Jake.  We all go into the kitchen and talk for a few minutes then me and Brennen left. On the way home we listen to my Panic! At The Disco CD. We rolled all of the windows down and turned the music up really loud and sung our hearts out the whole way home.

Back at home

We got out of the car and went inside. Brennen and I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. After a few episodes of The Office Brennen and I's eyes meet and he says "so I was wondering when should we make our relationship public?" I thought for a second and said "well we can do it right know if you want." Brennen smiles and says "are you sure?" I smile and say "yea it's time for people to know how much I love you." Then I Gave him a kiss. Brennen grabbed his phone from the kitchen and turned on instagram live. We sat there for a few minutes to let a few fans join.

@randomunicorn: who's the girl. ☺️
@brennenfan102: I would also like to know that ^

Once he hit 100 viewers Brennen started to explain. "Hi guys I can't stay on here long because I'm tired but I've seen your comments and see that your asking who she is." Brennen says while pointing at me. Brennen smiles and says "this is my girlfriend Aspyn, and I love her with all my heart." After he said that the comments started blowing up.

@riley~Brock: Took you guys long enough 😉
@randomeunicorn: Awww you guys look so cute together
@colby-Brock:Glad you guys are happy.
@brennen-fan145:Omg Aspyn your so cute. I wouldn't have anyone else with Brennen.
@elton-Castee: Come on Brennen you could do so much better 🤦🏻‍♂️
Brennen turned off the camera and I started to cry. "what's wrong babe?" He asked as he wiped away my tears. "Why doesn't Elton like me" I say. Brennen pulled me into a hug and said "don't worry about him he's just jealous that he doesn't have a girlfriend as good as you." I smile and say "I love you so much." I love you to" he said while he kissed my forehead.

Later that night

Me and Brennen got ready for bed and layed down. We cuddled up and watched some more tv. I layed my head on his shoulders and fell asleep.

7:00 I'm the morning

I wake up to a knock on the door. I go and open the door to see Colby and Riley. Colby stormed into the room and said "Elton's on his way here. And when he gets here I'm gonna kill him." I went over to where Colby was and asked "why." He turned to me and said "did you see that comment last night?" I laugh and say "yea." He looked confused and said "and you don't want to kill him?" I laughed harder and said "na he was being a jerk and that's his fault." I went over to Riley and said "do you have any thoughts?" She smiles and says "na I think Colby covered everything."

Colby's P.O.V
I stormed in when Aspyn opened the door,leaving Riley behind. I didn't know what I was thinking. Well I wasn't, I just couldn't believe Elton, the guy that used to be our friend, would say something like that. I guess I over reacted but Aspyn's like a sister to me and I couldn't let anyone hurt her like that.

My P.O.V
I tell Colby and Riley to sit down on the couch while I go and wake Brennen up. I go into our room and kiss him on the head. Then I say "babe wake up. Colby and Riley's here." He rolls over to face me and says "what?" I laugh and say "get up and I'll explain." I go back into the living room and pull up the tweet where Elton said he was coming to our house. Brennen came out of our room and said "ok so what's going on." I stood up and said "Elton posted a Tweet about him coming to our house today." "And so Colby and Riley came over here to kill him." Brennen laughs and says "well I guess they will have a partner in crime cause if he comes here I'm gonna kill him to after what he said about you." I laugh and say "ok there's no reason to kill anyone. He was being a jerk and that's his fault." Brennen comes up to me and pulls me into a hug and says "that's why I love you. You won't let anything tear you down." Then we heard a knock at the door. Was it Elton?

To be continued........

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