Life support

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We landed in Phoenix at 12:05 pm. We waited out front of the airport for my mom. When my mom finally got to the airport we all gathered in the car. I introduced my mom to Colby and Brennen then we started towards the hospital. When we got there my dad was still in the coma, so we decided to go see Riley's dad. When we got to the room, Riley's dad was on life support. Riley's mom said that he wasn't going to get any better that the doctors were taking him off life support tomorrow. Riley ran over to Colby and started crying in his arm. Colby tried to comfort her but that didn't help. I told Riley that I would help her pick out a casket. She finished crying and said ok. Colby wiped the tears from her face and said "come on Riley let's go get some coffee." Me and Brennen headed back to my dads room. Brennen sat in the chair next to me. I began to cry thinking what if my dad dies to. Brennen put his arm around me and I leaned into him.

3:00am at the hospital

Me and Brennen were woken up by a load noise then we noticed it was the flatline noise. We looked over at my dads monitor and he was stable. We ran into Riley's dads room and saw that he was flatlining. Riley fell into Colbys arm s cause she couldn't bare see her dad like that. The doctors came in and did everything they could, next thing we know we here "time of death 3:12."

The next day

Me, Brennen, and Colby take Riley out to eat at a near by Taco Bell. Riley hardly ate any of her food she just sat there looking depressed. We try to cheer her up the rest of the day and nothing worked. So Brennen, Colby, and I think "who is the one person that cheers Riley up when she's feeling down. And it just so happen that person was visiting Phoenix." We tweeted that person and told him to meet us at my moms house. When he arrived we blindfolded Riley and told her to sit in the floor, David Dobrik style. He came in and sat in front of Riley, then we took the blind fold off and she said, "SHANE DAWSON." Riley immediately gave him a bare hug. When Riley finally let go she asked, "what are you doing here?" Shane replied, "Your friends said you need some cheering up?" "Yea I could use it." Riley said while giving a weak smile. "Well I'm here to help."

To be continued.............

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