The Welcome Home Party

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I also made a list of people to invite.

Guest list

• David

I finished the list and asked Brennen if that was everyone and he nodded. Then I started the phone calls.

On the phone with David

David: hello?

Me: Hey me and Brennen are throwing a welcome home party for Riley and Colby and Alex, Todd, Jason, Zane, Scotty, and Heath are invited and you are to would you mind coming.

David: yea sure what time do we have to be at their house.

Me: 4:30!

David: ok anything else?

Me: yea how many cans of silly string do you have left?

David: like 50!

Me: good bring them!!

David: ok see you there!

Me: ok!!

I got off the phone and asked Brennen to call Bradley. He grabbed his phone as I called Sam.

On the phone

Sam: hello?

Me: Hey how many of the housemates are you with?

Sam: All of them, we are also with Elton. Why?

Me: Brennen and I are throwing Riley and Colby a welcome home party. You and the housemates and Elton need to be at the house by 4:30

Sam: ok see you later.

Me: ok!

Once I get off the phone I go into the living room where Brennen is sitting. He jumps up and says "Bradley is coming but he will be a little late." "That's fine. Let's go to the store and  get what we need." I say, then Brennen turns to me and says "ok where are we going?" "Target I guess." He nods, then we headed out to the car.

At Target

Me and Brennen split up and go to different aisles. I get the food and drinks and Brennen gets the cups, plates, plastic silverware, and a few other things. We checked out then we put all the stuff in the car and headed towards the trap house.

At the house
When we get there the house was unlocked so I suspected that someone was home. I was right they all were home, even Kat was there. We all got to work I put up some streamers. Sam and Kat put out the chips, salsa and the drinks. Brennen got out the solo cups and Corey and Devyn grilled hamburgers and hotdogs.


David, Scotty, Heath, Zane, Alex, Jason, and Todd had just arrived. A few minutes later Bradley arrived. Me mad Brennen passed out silly string and told everyone to be hidden by the time we get back. We leave the house and get in Brennens car and head towards the airport.

At the airport

We pull up to the front of the airport and waited for Riley and Colby. We sat there and listened to the radio for like maybe five minutes then we see them. We turn down the radio and get out to greet them. We give them a big hug and help them with there luggage.

Colby's P.O.V

We were on our way home from the airport and Aspyn and Brennen are very quiet which made me a little nervous then Brennen turned around in the passenger seat and said, "how was the honeymoon?" I looked at him and said "It was great! Hawaii was so beautiful!! We even got to see a green sea turtle!" I saw Aspyn's face light up then she said " LUCKY!!" We all laughed as we pulled in the driveway.

My P.O.V

We pull in the driveway and park the car. We get out of the car and go up to the front door. I open the door and walked in with Brennen, Riley, and Colby behind me. Then we hear SURPRISE!!!! All the guest started to spray Riley and Colby with silly string then David gave me and Brennen a can. After we all emptied out our cans we went into the kitchen and cut into the welcome home cake.

I cut into the cake as Riley said "I love it thank you to everyone!" Colby also said thanks then we all ate cake

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I cut into the cake as Riley said "I love it thank you to everyone!" Colby also said thanks then we all ate cake.

To be continued..........

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