Brennen Taylor❤️

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The next morning I tried to wake up Riley to go eat breakfast but she said go ahead. I headed down stairs to the dining room and saw only Brennen was there. I was nervous because I hadn't realized how much I liked him. I started to blush as I walked up to him. And to my surprise he started to blush to. He was trying to say how did you sleep but it came out more sounding like a moo. He blushed a lot and said, "sorry" I said "it's ok." I asked him what he was going to eat he told me the omelets sound good, I said, "ok I will get that then." As the waitress was bringing our food, Riley came up to us and said "I can't find my wallet." Me and Brennen both jumped up and started to look for it. We looked at the front door, in my car, in my room, and then we asked the front desk. The man at the front desk told us he found it in the parking lot and that he put it in the safe. We got the wallet back and said thanks to the front desk man. Me and Brennen started back to our rooms and got ready for the show. We went to the rest of the shows all over the country. At the last show Sam, Colby, and Brennen came out to the parking lot and asked us if we would like to come back to La with them of course we said yes. We got tickets to La, I sat next to Brennen. Riley, Colby, and Sam sat in the three seats on the other side of the aisle. Sam fell asleep first then Riley fell asleep on Colby's shoulder, but I think she did it on purpose. When they were all asleep Brennen asked me, "When we get  to LA will you go out with me?" I started to blush and finally I said' "yes!" He smiled and said, "great I figured we could go see a movie or we could go to the pier at sunset?" I told him I would love to go to the pier because I love the ocean all ready and I love sunsets. When we got back to LA we got an Uber to drive us back to the trap house, but we had to drop off Brennen first, Sam and Colby introduced us to Corey, Jake, and Devyn. We all said hi and got to know each other. Sam and Colby asked us to stay in LA for a little while so they could show us around. We said, "sure, we will have to find a hotel." They said "No, you can stay in the guest rooms" we said "ok thanks." That night Colby called a house meeting, we all went in to the living room and Colby said "So, we have all been talking and we were wondering if you guys would like to move into our house?" I said "let me and Riley talk about it" So we went upstairs and talked about how us, two girls, went from watching Sam and Colby on YouTube to getting offered to live with them. Me and Riley went back down stairs and told them.

To be continued........

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