Billy's Always Watching

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"Billy?" I say waking Brennen. "What's going o.." Brennen starts to say, until he spots Billy. He told me to get behind him and I did. He went up to Billy and shook him, but Billy just stood there with his eyes glowing like a flame. He had this death look on his face. Then I yelled "HE HAS SOMETHING BEHIND HIS BACK!!!" Brennen ducks his head just in time, because Billy had just swung at him with a knife. Brennen and I run into the bathroom and lock the door. "Why us?" I say as tears roll down my checks. "I don't know babe" he says wiping away my tears. Brennen sits against the wall and I sit directly in front of him laying my head on his chest. We sit there for a few seconds then someone starts banging on the door. Then we hear "what are you guys doing?" It was Billy. I looked at Brennen nervously, then I open the door. Billy just has this confused look on his face as he asked "what are you guys doing sitting in the bathroom?" I look at Brennen and then back at Billy and ask "you don't remember anything?" "No" he says sounding even more confused. We go into the living room and tell Billy what happened. "He looked horrified then he said "oh my gosh I'm so sorry I don't know what happen I mean I've been sleep walking a lot but this is crazy can you ever forgive me." Brennen stutters but I say "of course, anyway I don't think this is your fault, I think this is the work of the devil." "What do you mean?" Billy says in fear. "What I mean is, when you were attacking us your eyes were glowing red. Also I know you wouldn't try to kill us." I say. "Well what do I do?" Billy asks. "Well tomorrow I'll call the church and see about getting an exorcism." I say seriously. "What" Billy says in fear. "Yea trust me unless you do anything to provoke the whatever is causing this you should be fine." Billy looks at the ground then at me and says "ok!" When we finished talking we went back to bed, at that time it was about 3:00am.

In the morning

I wake up feeling like crap from last night. Brennen, who was still asleep, was snoring like a hog. I laughed at his cuteness and went into the kitchen to see Billy making breakfast. "Whatcha making" I ask. "Omelettes, it's the least I can do after what happened last night." I smiled and said "Billy, don't worry about it, I said I was gonna help and I am." Billy looks into my eyes and smiles, at that time Brennen came into the kitchen. I ran up to him and gave him a big kiss. Then I saw Billy turn around and scratch his head. He finished making the omelettes and sat down with us to eat. After we ate I called the nearest church and got a Priest to come and do the exorcism.

Billy's P.O.V

Aspyn came into the kitchen and asked what I was making. "Omelettes, it's the least I can do after last night" I responded. She then says "Billy, don't worry about it, I said I was gonna help and I am". I looked deep into her brown eyes and couldn't look away I tried I really did. I mean I can't like her she's married, but it was hard I mean everything was perfect. Her hair her eyes, everything. Then Brennen came into the room. Aspyn turned around and kissed him. I went back to the Omelettes and scratched my head out of discomfort. Aspyn got off the phone and looked at me and said "ok so, the priest will be hear by 12." "O..k" I say stuttering. "You don't have to be nervous" Aspyn says but that's not why I stuttered.


Aspyn's P.O.V

I hear the doorbell ring so I hop off the couch and answer it. "Come In" I say. The priest comes in and looks around the house then he says "ok for this to work you'll have to sit or lay somewhere" Billy's decided to sit on the couch. The priest pulls out a bible and reads a verse, as he's reading it he sprinkles sage water on Billy. Then he pulls out a cross and pointed it towards Billy and said "THE POWER OF CRIST COMPELS YOU." All of a sudden Billy started to shake. "WHATS HAPPENING!" I yell. "This is normal" the priest replied. Then all of a sudden Billy quits shaking and opens his eyes. Billy gets off the couch and says "I" I smile and say "did it work?" "Yes" the priest said. We all thank the priest and then we sit back on the couch and watch tv.


We had just finished like the 6th episode of The Office. I had my head laid on Brennens shoulder about to fall asleep when Billy stands up and says "Aspyn I can't hold this in anymore and yes I know your married but I like you." Me and Brennen laugh then Brennen says "yea we figured". "So........your not mad?" Billy says nervously. "Not at all man. I mean I wouldn't want you to feel bad for never saying anything" Brennen says. "Yea I mean I wanted to ask Brennen our but kept it in and that's the worst feeling in the world." "Well thanks for understanding guys." Brennen and I nod then we all go to bed.

To be continued.........

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