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We went home after the prank. I was really nervous and I think Brennen could tell cause he put his hand on my knee luckily it was day time now. When we got to the house we got out of the car and I walked up to Brennen. He put his arm on me urging for me to get behind him. We walked up to the door and opened it. Kobe came running and everything seemed normal except for the letter on the fridge it said, I found you. I found you. I found you. I looked at Brennen and said "should we call the cops?" He shook his head and said "they won't do anything about it." I nodded and went over to the couch. When I say down the couch seemed off. The cushion was off balance. I lifted up the cushion and found a knife underneath. I went to pick it up but before I could Brennen said "NO, it will have your finger prints on it and the police will accuse you!" "Well can we call the cops now?" I said. "Yea I think it's that time" he said. I called a different number that went to the office since we didn't have a an emergency. We got a detective to come over to the house. He looked at the note and the knife and said "ok tell me about everything that has happen that has to do with this." We told him about the phone calls and about how when we came home Kobe wasn't barking and the door being unlocked. Then he asked "and you don't have anyone that could possibly be out to kill you?" I looked at Brennen and he new exactly who I was thinking about. He nodded which told me it's was ok to tell him. "Well there's this girl named Brittany." He looked at me and said "and what's your relationship with this girl?" "Well let's just say she wasn't to happy when her ex Colby started dating my friend but why would she be after me?" "Who's plan was is for you guys to meet?" He asked. "Well when we first met Sam, Colby, and Brennen we went on one of there tours." Then I look at Brennen and say "WAIT! I bought the tickets and surprised Riley with them!" "There you have it." He said. "This is all my fault" I said. Brennen gives me a hug and says "if you hadn't bought those tickets I would have never met you and your the best thing that has ever happened to me." I smile as Brennen wipes away my tears. "Yes that's very nice. Now if your excuse me I have a stalker to catch" The detective said. "In the mean time I would set up cameras outside" He said. "Ok we'll get to that" Brennen said. We went to target and go an outdoor security camera and and a flood light. Then we went  home and set them up. When we were done we went inside. When we went through the door we were greeted by Kobe. "Hey why don't we make Kobe a guard dog" I said jokingly. Brennen laughed, then we went and sat down on the couch. Brennen fell asleep on my shoulder then I slowly fell asleep to.

9:00 pm

Brennen and I are woken up to this loud crash. I worry that Kobe did something but then I saw him jump of the couch and go up to the door barking. Me and Brennen jump up and go outside. We look around and then we see glass on the ground, then we looked at the security camera and saw that it was broke. Then we here something move in the bushes. Me and Brennen run inside for safety and call the police.

9:15pm on the phone

Dispatcher: 911 what's your emergency

Me: My boyfriend and I have had this person stalking us and we think she broke our security camera. Also we think she's still around.

Dispatcher: ok we'll dispatch an officer right now

Me: can you call detective James for us to please. He working our case.

Dispatcher: yes ma'am I'll give him a call

Me: ok thank you

Dispatcher: no problem by bye

Me: bye

I remembered the baseball bat it the room we used for storage and went to get it so we could protect ourselves. When I went into the room all I remember hearing is a Wamp!

When I wake up

I wake up in a hospital bed with Brennen holding my hand. When I open my eyes I look over at Brennen. He kissed he on the head and said "I'll go get the doctor." The doctor came in and said "you have a concussion so I would go home and rest." "Ok thank you doctor" I said. Brennen checked me out at the front desk and we went out to his car. When we got in the car I started to cry. We wiped away my tears and said "I promised myself I would protect you all my life and I failed." I looked him in the eyes and said "this isn't your fault. It's Brittany's, at least I think so, anyway let's catch this manic." We both laughed and decided not to go home so we went to the trap house. When we got there the front door was open which was unusual because the dogs would get out. We cautiously went in the house. Brennen rapped his arm around my waist as we stepped in the door. When we got in we saw everybody on the couch. We asked why all the doors were open and they said "someone fried the air conditioner. It got so hot we took the dogs to a boarding place." We sit down and tell them about the Brittany situation. Then I hear Colby from upstairs "WHAT!!" He comes running down the stairs saying "I'm gonna kill her." He comes into the room and says "why would she do this just because I dumped her and found the most wonderful girl in the world" he said but as he did I saw Riley blush. "Cause she crazy" I said.

To be continued.........

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