Moving in

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I woke up early after the party and cleaned up. Then I made breakfast, I made omelettes with orange juice to drink. I called Brennen and asked.

On the phone

Brennen: Hey babe what's up

Me: Nothing much! I was just wondering if you would like to come over for breakfast?

Brennen: Sure I'll be there in five!

Me: Ok! See you here love ya.

Brennen: Love you to.

I get off the phone and go upstairs. I knocked on Corey's door first and woke him up and told him to go downstairs but NOT to touch the food yet. I do the same for everyone else. Then I went to Colby's door to wake up him and Riley. Then I changed into my sundress and went downstairs. When I got downstairs I sat the table and pored everyone some fresh squeezed orange juice. Next thing I know I hear the door ring. I open the door to let Brennen in and gave him a big hug. Then I told him that I needed to ask him a question in private. He said "sure let's go into the living room." "Ok" I say as we walk into the living room. Then I ask "so I was wondering if I could move in today and if so I thought we could tell everyone at breakfast?" I saw his face light up. Then he said "that's fine with me! To be honest I wanted you to move in a long time ago." I laughed and said "great let's go tell them." He nodded, then we headed to the kitchen. When we got into the kitchen Colby said "can we eat now I'm starving." I laughed and said "yea dig in." When we all finished our food I stood up and said "I have a big announcement to make!" Everyone looked at me, then at Brennen, then back at me. I put on a big smile and said "I'm moving in with Brennen today!!" Everyone's faces got big then Riley said "it took long enough." We all laughed.


After we all were done playing video games I turned to Brennen and said "well I'm going to go and pack my clothes." "Ok babe" said Brennen with with a smile. I went upstairs and packed all my stuff. I made sure to get the picture of me and Brennen on the pier. I finished up and carried my boxes downstairs (Brennen helped). He also helped me take them to his car. I hugged all the housemates and said "see you guys tomorrow." When Riley pulled me into a hug I heard her tell Brennen "you brake her heart I brake you."  "Oh don't worry you won't have to cause I would have all ready done it" I said as I winked and Brennen. I saw him chuckle as Riley let go of me. As I climbed into the car Brennen said "hey how would you feel if I said we are going out to a romantic dinner." I smiled and said "sure where are we going." He also smiled and said "I can't tell you." I laughed and said "fine guess I will just have to wait" he nodded as he turned up the radio. When we got to his house he help me get all of my boxes then he made some room in his closet for my clothes. He helped me unpack then we sat on the couch. I curled up in his arms as he turned on the tv. We watched some tv then I drifted of the sleep in Brennens arms.

Later that evening

I'm woken up to Brennen saying "babe wake up we have to get ready for dinner." I open my eyes and say "ok let me go change" he nodded and said "ok I'll change after you." I agreed and then headed to the bedroom. I put on my blue dress I had just bought with some blue earrings. I also wore my black sandals. I fixed my hair and went out into the living room. Brennen got up off the couch and came over to me and pulled me into a big hug. I smile as he says "I love you so much!" "I love you to" I say as I feel my smile get bigger. I sat on the couch and waited for Brennen to finish changing then we headed out to the car. I got in the car and turned up the radio. To our luck Brennen and I's favorite song was on. We sat there and sang the hole way there.

6:30 at the restaurant

When we pulled in the driveway I turned to Brennen and said "this place is beautiful." He smiled and said "not as beautiful as you," I blushed and said "so let's get going I'm starving!" We both laughed as we got out of the car.

After the dinner on our way home 7:30

Me and Brennen are stoped at a red light when KA BAM!!! What happen next was awful and I didn't know if I was ready for it.

To be continued.......

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