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I wake up freezing with a major headache. I realize I only had on my bra and some shorts. I look around the room and see my shirt but when I pick it up I see this stain and it smells like puke. I smack my head and see Brennens sweatshirt. I put it on and go downstairs. I see Aaron in the kitchen and ask him if they had any ibuprofen. "yea it's in the cabinet next to the sink." He said "Thanks" I say putting my hand to my head. I take the medicine and go sit on the couch. I sit there for a few then I here someone coming downstairs. Then I hear "where's Aspyn." It was Brennen. I saw Aaron pointing to where I was sitting. Brennen came and sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. We sat there then all of a sudden my phone went off. It was about 5 texts from my mom saying 'I can't take this anymore' 'if you visit our house I won't be there'. I couldn't believe my eyes I was so confused. I decided I would go and visit. I told Brennen and he said he was going with me. I wanted to tell Riley but she was asleep so I sent her a text. We then started the five hour drive.

At my childhood house

We finally arrived at 7:00pm. I walk up to the door and knock. I hear heavy foot steps then the door opens. It's my dad but he's pretty drunk. He stumbled as he walked away. "Where's mom, dad?" I ask. "That slut. Oh she left" I couldn't believe what just came out of my dads mouth. I ignored it and shook my head at Brennen telling him I was fine. I was hungry so I went into the kitchen and saw that everything was empty. Brennen told me to stay at the house as he went to the store. "Are you sure" I asked "I can go with you?". "No I'll be ok" he said as he kissed my forehead. Brennen leaves and I go sit on the couch. I then here my dad coming back into the room. He stood in front on me with a beer bottle in his hand. "What are you doing?" I asked calmly. "YOUR THE REASON YOUR MOTHER LEFT YOU LITTLE WHORE" he yelled. Next thing I new he bashed the beer bottle into my head. I jump up and see blood everywhere but my vision starts to fade in and out. I run into the bathroom using the walls as support. I lock the door and put a towel over my head then all I saw was stars.

I'm woken up to Brennen holding me bridal style but then everything goes black again.

I wake up in a comfortable bed then I hear this beep noise. I look over and see Brennen pacing back and forth. I open my mouth but nothing comes out, I was to week. I lifted up my arm, even though it felt like 100 pounds and grabbed at Brennen. He stops pacing and looked at me. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled weekly. He started to cry as he said "I should have been there to protect you. That was my promise to myself. He put his head on our inter twined hands. I put my hand on his chin and lifted up his head. I wiped the tears from him face. He smiled then the doctor came in and said "she will be ready to leave tomorrow. Luckily the cut wasn't that deep and we won't have to wrap your head just be carful." "Oh also you'll be able to talk tomorrow right now your just week there's no major damage to the brain" I nod and the doctor leaves.

The next day

I wake up to Brennen asleep in the chair next to me. A nurse came in and asked "Mrs. Taylor what do you want to eat or drink" wow I hadn't been called Mrs. Taylor yet but to be honest I liked it and it was catchy to. I snapped out of my day dream and said "I'll just take an ice water" it was week but the words came out. The nurse came back with the water and sat it in the table next to me. I finished the water and then Brennen woke up. We checked out and Brennen helped me to the car. He put his arm around my waste and I put mine around his neck. We get in the car and Brennen asks "you want to go straight home?" I looked at my feet then at him and said "no I want to check up on my dad. Even though I'm really furious at him I want to make sure he's ok"

To be continued.......

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