The Ghost

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Me and Brennen jump up out of the bed and slowly go into the kitchen. When we get in the kitchen we see that one of his purify candles were knocked over. I told him "that's the one from your vid a long time ago." He stops walking and says "your right!" Then I say "it's like the spirits from a while ago are coming back" he nods and says "yea but just imagine if they all come back. I mean we have done a ton of ghostly stuff." "Yea" I say with fear in my heart. We decided to go and sit on the couch to see if we could catch anything. As we sat there I could barely keep my eyes open then we hear BANG!!! We jumped up and found that some boxes that Brennen had for storage was knocked over. I helped him pick up all the stuff then we went back and lay down on the couch.
We drifted off to sleep and had no other problems.


I wake up to this feeling of something watching me but Kobe was asleep on Brennens stomach and there was no one else in the house. I got up and started to make breakfast. I made bacon, eggs, and toast. I set the table, then I went and woke Brennen up. He gets up and we sit at the table and talk about what we were going to do today and he says "well why don't we throw Riley and Colby a welcome home party." I smile and say "yea that's a good idea." I run and get a piece and paper and start writing down what I need.

To be continued..........

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