Trouble at home

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1 month after the Brittany situation

I'm just waking up and see I text from my mom that says.

Mom: You and your friends dad was heading home from a fishing tournament and another car ran into them.

Me: Are they ok.

Mom: No your dad is in a coma and Riley's dad has four broken ribs and is in a coma.

Me: Oh no I will make it down there as soon as I can, love you.

Mom: Love you to.

I quit texting my mom and go down stairs to tell Riley what happen. She didn't take the news well, well I mean who would. Next thing I do is ask Brennen to come over tonight so I can tell him what's going on. I think it would be. Better to tell him in person.

Me:Hey I need you to come over tonight I have to tell you something. :(

Brennen:Are you ok what's wrong. :|

Me:No no I'm ok I just need to talk to you in person.

Brennen P.O.V

Aspyn just texted me saying she needs to talk to me in person could she be breaking up with me?

Later that day

Aspyn P.O.V

Brennen finally arrives and Colby had just got home from shooting an xplr vid. I tell Brennen to come in and sit down in the living room. Me and Riley stand in front of the couch and say "We have to go back to our home town our dads were in a bad car accident." Both boys jump up and say "We're coming with you" they look at each then turn there attention back to us. We say "You guys can come with us if you want." Both boys decide to come with us, at that moment the rest of the house mates entered the house. We told them what was going on they decided to stay to take care of the animals since Aaron was in Hawaii. Me and Brennen bought our tickets that night, so did Riley and Colby.

The day of our flight

I had packed my things the night before and was ready to leave. As I was making my way downstairs I heard the doorbell ring. It was Brennen, I answered the door and he handed me a bouquet of blue flowers. I say thanks as we head to his car (we decided to take Brennens cause it's bigger). We wait in the car for Riley and Colby as they say there goodbyes. As Riley and Colby start towards the car Riley trips on a marble, from a video Sam and Colby did, but Colby catches her just in time. Me and Brennen both let out a breath of relief.
We get to the airport and board the plane. I turned to Riley and said "ready to see home again."

To be continued.............

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