It's Over

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Ok so I deleted the last part because it just to me got out of hand idek 😂 so imma just make a new part. Also feel free to leave song suggestions. Also sorry for not updating in so long schools been taking up most of my time I will hopefully be able to post more. Last thing, this 'Fanfic' you can say, has 488 views like holy crap. Thank you to everyone that's read it and it may not seem a lot compared to other fanfics but it's a lot to me. Oh and yes I used Brennens song title as the title for this part 🖤
Aspyn's P.O.V

I wake up to a loud knock on the front door. I went to open it not thinking of the dangers. Then there was that face. A face no one could forget. "Miss me" Stacy says before I black out.

Brennen's P.O.V

I wake up to Aspyn out of bed. I get up thinking she's probably chilling in the living room. I leave the bedroom and go into the living room. I panic a bit when I don't see her. I look around the house and can't find her. Then I see her phone laying in the floor. She never goes anywhere without it let alone leave it on the floor. I run into Billy's room and shake him awake. "Get up, she's gone man!!" I say frantically. "What....Hu?" Billy says in confusion. "Aspyn, she's gone I can't find her. "Maybe she went out for a walk" he says rolling over. "BILLY, SHE LEFT HER PHONE SHE NEVER LEAVES THE HOUSE WITHOUT THAT THING," I yell. "Ok..ok shoot" Billy says getting out of bed. "Get dressed and meet me in the car, quickly," I say leaving the room.

Aspyn's P.O.V

I wake up in a moving vehicle. It has a lot of space, a van maybe. I look around and see my legs and hands zip typed up. Then I see a shovel. What the heck I think to myself. Was this it, was this the end for me. No I can't I have a husband and I can't die not know. I close my eyes and pray "please help me. Don't let me die," I say. Then the van stopped. I could here people talking. I was in a public area, now was my chance. I remembered that trick I learned in self defense class. You put your arms over your head and pull them down and apart as hard as you can. So I tried it and it actually worked. I shuffle my way to the back doors and open them. What criminal leaves the doors unlocked. I hop out the car and see I'm at a gas station. I yell for help when a mother with her two kids run up to me. "Please help me. Get me out of here before she gets back" I said tears starting to form in my eyes. The lady nods then leads me to her car helping me. She gets me in the car then grabs her phone.

The mothers P.O.V

I get the young girl in my car then call the police. I tell them everything that's going on and they said they'll arrive shortly. I get in my car and get a pair of scissors out of my Console. I cut free her feet free then tell her I called the police. She thanks me over and over. "Let's get going" I say. "Um miss if you don't mind I'd like to see her get arrested. You know to make sure," the girl says. I was confused but in a way I understood. The police showed up and came up to me. I told them everything I had witnessed.

Aspyn's P.O.V

The police ask me what she looks like then asks me to point her out in the gas station. I point her out and they went inside. They put her in handcuffs and brought her out. I stood there relieved. She gave me a death stare but I didn't care she was gone and I wouldn't have to see her again until a trial if we have one. I ask to borrow her phone so I could call Brennen.

Brennen's P.O.V

Billy and I are driving towards the trap house when I get a phone call from a number I don't recognize. Out of desperation I answer it. "Hello," I say. "Brennen," I hear they voice say. "Aspyn, where are you, are you ok. Did she hurt you," I say panicking but relieved to hear her voice. "I'm fine. Yes she did get me but she didn't hurt me. Don't worry she's in custody now" Aspyn's says. "Where are you, I'll come get you" I say. "Um I'm at the Chevron gas station" Aspyn says. I sigh in relief that Stacy didn't get far with her. "Ok we're on our way" I reply. He finish the phone call as Billy turns a corner making me drop my phone.

Aspyn's P.O.V

I get off the phone with Brennen and go up to the mother. "Thank you so much" I say. She hugs me and says "I was in the same situation you were not to long ago. Except my kidnapper was male. That's when these two came into the world" she says as she wraps her arm around her kids. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that" I say. She looks at me and says "You know what in a way I've forgiven him. Plus if it didn't happen I wouldn't have my two wonderful kids." "Well they are beautiful" I say. She smiles and says "what do you say kids." They look at me and say "thank you." I smile then I hear Brennens truck. I turn around and see him pull into the gas station. He gets out of the truck and runs up to me. He pulls me into a tight hug. We stand there for a few seconds then Brennen thanks the lady and we leave. On the way home Brennen sits in the back with me I lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

To be continued.........

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