Joining the Tour

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The show ended and we started out the door when Sam, Colby, and Brennen stop us and say, "hey do you guy want to go get something to eat with us we are planning on going to in and out." We said, "sure we love that restaurant." Me and Riley get in my car and I say "Riley did you notice that colby couldn't take his eyes off you." She said "Really, cause I could take my eyes off him." Then Riley turns to me and says, "You know during Brennen's part he could take his eyes off you." I said, "no way" as I blush. We arrive at In and Out to see Sam, Colby, and Brennen waiting for us. Me and Riley order a salad and the boys order a burger. We finished eating and headed out to our car when Colby says "we were talking on the way here, would you girls like to come on the rest of the tour with us. We know it's only three more towns but we would love it for you two to join us. We say " of course we would love to." We asked where is the next location was and they say, "Texas." They said we could meet them at the hotel they were staying at. They gave us the name of the hotel so we could book a room, to our luck there was a room open right next to theirs. We make it to the hotel in Texas and go to bed as soon as we get to our room we were so tired. Riley took the bed closest to the door and I took the one next to the window.

To be continued..............

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