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After everyone left we sat back down and I snuggled up with Brennen. "From the moment When I first saw him I was in love. It wasn't like love for a pet or a family member. His love is like looking into his eyes and knowing I'm home." I thought to myself. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked at me and slimed to then he said "what?" "Nothing" I say as he kissed my forehead. I slowly drifted off to sleep with Brennens arms wrapped around me.


I wake up to a loud bash in the kitchen. Brennen jumps up and rubs his head, because he hit it on the shelf above the couch. We didn't know what to do we had no way to defend ourselves. I jumped up and put my hands on Brennens shoulders. He looked around and saw a vase, he picked it up and we headed to the kitchen. We turned the corner and saw this black figure. "You stole him from me, and now I'll do everything in my power to get him back." It said. Then it let down it's hood and reviled a brunette girl with short cut hair. "Leave or we'll call the cops!" Brennen said. The brunette smiled and said "fine FYI my names Stacy." Stacy ran out the door and fled onto the street. Brennen pulled me into a hug as I said "it's the Brittany situation all over again except we're both the targets now." He kissed me on the head, then we went to the couch. I fell asleep and quickly this dream came to me.

In the dream

I'm walking through this warehouse that seems very familiar then I see Brennen, Colby, Riley. And I in the middle. I remember now this is the warehouse Brittany took us to. I looked around and walked up to Brittany. She had tears in her eyes. I went behind her and saw a red dot on her back. I followed the light and saw a black figure in the shadows. I walked up to the figure and saw a brunette. It looked just like Stacy except she had a rifle with a scope that had a red light coming from it. Then I jumped up off the couch, the dream was over.

Brennen stood up and asked "what's wrong?" "IT WASN'T BRITTANYS FAULT SHE WAS FORCED BY STACY" I yelled. "What are you talking about" he said confused. I told him about the dream and he just stood there in shock. "What do we do now?" He says. "We go and wake the trap house up then we go to the police I will NOT have this happen again. I can't come close to losing you again. The day I met you, my life changed. The way you make me feel is hard to explain. You make me smile in a special kind of way. You make we fall deeper in love everyday and I will not have this happen again.!" I stated. Brennen kisses me on the lips and says "ok let's go!"

To be continued........

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