The Proposal

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As Colby walks away and heads to his room I think to myself "omg is he going to propose?" I decided not to bug him about it. I decided to go outside to play with Navi before Riley and the rest of the house mates go home.

5 months later

I wake up so excited for Riley's big game. I put on the shirt I made that says #16's best friend, with some yellow leggings. As I start down the stairs I hear Colby call for me from his room. I go into the room to see Colby holding a ring and then he says "do you think she will like it?" I get so excited that I felt like jumping up and down. I say "YES she will love it. It's even in her fav color." Colby starts to blush and says "I'm so nervous what if she says no?" I grabbed Colby by the shoulders and said "if I know Riley, and I do, she will say yes." Then I give him a hug. He looks at me and says "thanks for always being there for me, your like a sister to me." "Aaaawww no problem. Your like a brother to me" I say. I leave his room and head downstairs to see Jake, Sam, Corey, and Devyn with blue and white stripes on there cheeks. I laugh and they say "these are the colors of her team right?" "Yes" I replied. Next thing I know I here the door ring it was Brennen and Bradley. I run and open the door and give. Brennen a big hug. They we all go and get in the car and wait for Colby. The house mates ask me what's taking so long and I say "it's a surprise."

Near the end of the game

I look at the score bored and see it's 20-21
We were down one point. I look at the field and there's a runner on first. I tell the house mates that we need a big hit to tie or a home run to win, since they didn't know much about softball. I start to feel with glee as I see that Riley was the next batter. I think to myself "ok Riley now is one of those times to hit one of those home runs out of nowhere." The pitcher throws the ball, strike one, I hear the umpire yell. Riley gets back in the batters box, and the pitcher throws another ball, strike 2. By this time all of us are on the edge of our seats. Riley get back in the batters box, the pitcher throws the last ball and HOME RUN. Everyone in the bleachers starts cheering. We were now 22-21 we one. After the teams shake hands Colby runs out to the middle of the field where Riley was and gets down on one knee. All of the roommates start to cheer and I start recording. Riley and Colby locks eyes as Colby says "Riley Anderson I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me." Riley starts to tear up and says "YES." We all cheer as Colby puts the ring on Riley and pulls her in for a kiss. We all run down to where they are and gather in a group hug.

To be continued..........

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