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It's three days after whole priest thing and Brennen and I are packing up. Billy said he'd drive us to the fancy restaurant. I put on my blue cocktail dress and some blue earrings and a pair of black heels. We get in the car, Brennen rides up front and I ride in the back. When we get there we tell Billy thanks and go inside. It was beautiful, there were fish takes here and there, the seats were lined in velvet, there was a huge chandelier in the middle of the restaurant, and the waiters wore  suits and ties. I couldn't believe my eyes. "How in the world did you find this place??" I ask Brennen. "Well I've always seen it and wanted to bring someone in here but it never felt right. So I brought you in here because your the light of my life and it just felt right" I blush and says "aww babe". We go and sit down and wait for the waiter. Brennen orders shrimp Alfredo so do I. We finished eating and talked for a little bit. "So this was a strange honeymoon" Brennen said. "Yea but I mean I wouldn't change it you know. I mean it just seems normal for stuff like this to happen so it would just seem weird it not happening" I say. "You know what, your right" Brennen said in agreement. The waiter brought the check, we paid, and left. Brennen called Billy. He came and picked us up and took us to the airport. We changed out of our fancy clothes in the bathroom then we went through security. We got on the plane and sat down. I laid my head on Brennens shoulder and slowly fell asleep. I woke up to Brennen asleep on my head. I carefully grabbed my phone. A few minutes later Brennen woke up. We played on our phones for a little while then we fell back asleep.


I'm woken up to "babe wake up we're home!" I open my eyes and see Brennen. We get off the plane and go find Brennens car. Brennen drove and I sat in the passengers seat. Brennen one hand on the wheel and one on my knee. I laid my head on his shoulder as he drove home. 

At home

We finally arrive at about 6:30am. We go up to the door and go inside. We decided to unpack the suitcases after we wake up. We go to our bedroom, change into our pajamas, and go to sleep.

12:00 in the afternoon

I woken up to something buzzing. I open my eyes and see that Riley's calling me. I answer and say "hell.." "aspyn something's wrong with Kobe you need to get over here right now!!!!" Riley says cutting me off. I tell her ok and wake Brennen up. He jumps up and we put on a pair of clothes we just had laying around. Then we jumped in the car and drove to the trap house. When we went through the door Riley threw confetti at us and said "WELCOME HOME!!!" "Riley I swear to god you gave me a heart attack" Riley smiled as we went into the living room. We played video games and drank. Brennen got tipsy and so did I. Riley wouldn't let us drive home so Brennen and I sleep in the guest bedroom. We go upstairs and lay down. Brennen and I kissed each other then we fell asleep.

To be continued........

Hey everyone sorry this one was kind of short.

Make sure to check out sam and Colby on YouTube also check out Brennen Taylor ❤️

Hey last thing go check out riley_brock I bet you, that if you like my stories you'll like hers 😉


Thank you to everyone that has been reading my fanfic. This is my 32nd part and I'll probably keep going if I make it to 100 I'll do something special if you have and ideas let me know. ✌🏻

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