Police Station

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We made it to the trap house and knocked as hard as we could and no answer. We found some small pebbles and threw them at Corey's window and still nothing. I looked at Brennen and said "if they don't answer soon I'm gonna find a brick and chuck it through the window." We laughed as we herd the door open. We went up to it and saw "STACY!!" I yelled. "Shhh you'll wake them up" she said with a devilish smile. "Where are they?" I ask furiously. "Oh there out somewhere so unfortunate really. I would have loved for them to see what was about to happen" she said as she locked the door. I looked at Brennen and he knew what I was thinking. We ran to the door that goes into the back yard knowing that they never lock it. It opened thankfully. We ran up to the gate that separated the front from the back. We jiggled it, then it came open. Which was weird because it stays locked. We got into Brennens car and saw that the keys were gone. We went up to the gate and unlocked in cause all we had to do was pull up this lever. We ran a few blocks towards town when we see a familiar car. It pulls up to us and the diver roles down the window. "What the heck are you guys doing out here?" sam said. I told him everything then I saw Riley, Colby, and Devyn in the back and Corey in the passengers side. "Guys this is nothing to joke about I mean after what happen to Brittany how could you guys do a prank about it." Sam said. I just felt betrayed "why would we be running down the street for a prank. Riley you know me I would never run unless I had to" I said. Riley looked at me and said "I also believe you and Brennen would do anything for video footage." I wanted to cry so bad but I stood my ground and said "fine but just so you know, don't say we didn't worn you." Brennen and I started to walk off as Sam drove away. Since our house was 20 miles away we tried to call an Uber but we soon realized we didn't have any money and we were not about to go back to their house. Then this truck pulls up to us and we see Billy. We asked why he was here and he said "I was gonna surprise you guys but when I got to your house Brennens truck wasn't there so I thought you guys might be at their house." "Why are you guys out here?" "I'll explain on the way home" I told Billy. I explained everything then he said "why would they think that was a prank you were on the street?" "I don't know I just feel betrayed" I said. "Well do you guys still want to go to the cops?" Billy asked concerned. "Yes. I don't want to be put in the situation we were a while back." I say quickly.

At the police station

We tell the cops and they assign  us detective Abby. She seemed a lot nicer then our last detective. She said she would get started right away, she asked us some questions about Brittany then I told her about the dream. "that's either a coincidence or Brittany's trying to tell you something." I gave her a confused look then I said "ok...... so when will the investigation start?" I ask. "I'll start first thing tomorrow" she said. "Thanks" I say as I stand up. We walk out the door and go back outside. We see Billy waiting on us, we get in his car and he takes us back to our house.

At home

We cleared off the guest room bed for Billy. Then we sat on the couch and watched Friends. I had a little bit of wine and the boys had a bottle of beer. We watched like a full season then we got tired. We turned off the tv, told Billy goodnight, and went to our room. I started to put toothpaste on my toothbrush when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I turned around and Brennen and I's eyes meet. He kisses me and says "your not leaving my side until Stacy's in jail" "sounds fair" I saw giving him a mischievous look. He smirked as I turned back around. I finished brushing my teeth and took my hair down. I got in the bed and looked at Pinterest for a little while then I made an Instagram post.

@aspyn_taylor: just got done watching a full season with my husband and best friend Billy 😂

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@aspyn_taylor: just got done watching a full season with my husband and best friend Billy 😂

@sam_golbach: glad to know you had fun just know I can't believe you lied to us

@riley_brock: yea I thought we promised to never lie to each other guess that wasn't important to you

@Billy_Chehad: At least I don't accuse my best friends of lying

@Brennen_Taylor: thx man means a lot

@Aspyn_Taylor: yea ^

@pink_fluffy_unicorn: wait is the dream team breaking up

@Riley~Brock_fan: Well Aspyn and Brennen need to learn not to lie😤

I got so frustrated at the comments I just turned my phone off and put it on the night stand. Brennen put his arm under my head and comforted be until I fell asleep. I drifted off into this dream. I'm standing there in the middle of the gas station I see myself on the other side crying begging my mom not to pull the trigger. I look around and walk up to my mom. (Just so you guys aren't confused, the me walking around is like a ghost. Like when your in a VR fame and your walking around and people are talking but they don't interact with you. 😂 hope this helped) I go behind my mom and see the same red dot that was on the back of Brittany. I followed the light and saw this window. I went to the window and saw Stacy standing there with the same gun in her hand. Then I woke up. I jumped up in a cold sweat. I saw Brennen next to me, he looked at me and said "you were screaming "no" in your sleep" next thing I know I hear a knock on our bedroom door. "Come in" Brennen said. "Is everything ok" Billy said concerned. "Yea just a bad dream" I say giving him a week smile. He leaves then I drift back to sleep with me in Brennens arms.

To be continued.........

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