The Crash

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Kaboom!! Two cars just hit head on straight in front of us. Then all of a sudden KABOW! One of the cars blew up and one of its tires hit our windshield. I covered my face just in time. I uncovered my face and turned to Brennen and said "are you ok?" He uncovered his face and said "yea I'm fine." Then I looked out the broken windshield and started to cry. Brennen asked what was wrong and I said "that car...t..the one t....that didn't blow up that's Colby's car." Brennen got out of the car and got a better look and said "your right it is! Do you want to go up there?" I wiped away my tears and said "better sooner than later." I got out of the car and walked over to where Brennen was standing. He put his arms around me then we went over to Colby's car. When we got over there we saw Colby and Riley. I started to cry and ran over to the passenger side. I shook Riley saying "wake up wake up". Brennen did the same for Colby, then I put my fingers on her neck checking her pulse. I gasped and said "she still has a pulse what about Colby?" Brennen checked Colby's pulse and said "yea he still has a pulse!" I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.

On the phone

Dispatcher: 911 what's your emergency

Me: my friends just got into a head on reck we need an ambulance

Dispatcher: what's your address

Me: Hollywood Blvd

Dispatcher: ok I've just dispatched one, they're one there way

Me:ok thank you

Dispatcher: would you like me to stay on the line till the ambulance gets there

Me: no that's ok my boyfriends here

Dispatcher: ok bye bye

Me: bye

I hang up and go over to Brennen. I lay me head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me. We stand there for a few more minutes then we hear the sirens. We step back and watch them load Colby into one ambulance and Riley into another. One of the drivers asked us if we wanted to ride to the hospital. We told them yes I rode with Riley and Brennen rode with Colby. We get back into Brennens car and head to the hospital. I call Sam to tell him what had happen.

On the phone 7:45pm

Sam: hello

Me: Sam you need to get the housemates and meet us at the hospital Riley and Colby were in a bad wreck.

Sam: WHAT!! Ok we'll meet you there

Me: ok see you here

Sam: ok

I put my phone in my purse and lay my head on the door of the car. Brennen looks at me and says "you ok?" I smile weekly and say "yea just a little shook up" he said "yea me to."

At the hospital

We go inside the hospital and tell the receptionist why we're here and she said " Riley  Brock is in room 670 and Colby Brock is in room 671." I give Brennen a nervous look and then a thank the receptionist. We go into Colbys room to see a doctor looking at Colby. I looked at the doctor and asked "how is he?" The doctor said "he's doing ok for now." Then Brennen said "so what's wrong?" The doctor looked at us and said "he has one broken rib and a concussion." I looked down at my feet and said "will he make it?" The doctor sighed and said "yes he should but don't get your hopes up." I tell him "thanks," Then we go in to Riley's room and see that she's awake. I run up and hug her, then Brennen gives her a hug to. She looks at me and says "where's Colby" with this frantic look on her face. I look at Brennen then at Riley and say "he's in the next room over, but he has a concussion and a broken rib." Riley starts to tear up, then she says "can I see him?" At that time the doctor came in and said "you can't get out of the bed yet we have to run some tests and make sure there's no brain damage or nerve damage and so on." Riley frowns then says "fine but after that I get to see him!" The doctor nodded and preceded on with the tests.

A few hours later

They bring Riley back into the room after all the tests. We talk about different stuff then we herd a computerized voice say CODE BLUE!!! A ton of doctors started running into Colby room. Riley looks at me and says "TAKE ME IN THETE NOW!" I take Riley into where Colby was. The doctors give him CPR and shock him with the defibrillator a few times. Riley starts to cry I turn around and put my head in Brennens shoulder. Then we here "time of death 3:12." Riley looks up and says "I Love you Colby."

To be continued..........

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