The Funeral

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We all wake up early so we can get ready for the funeral. We invited all the house mates (we don't expect them to be there) we also invited some of Riley's cousins and some of mine. I put on my black dress with my black sandals, Riley wears a black shirt with black pants (she's never been the dressy type) and the boys wear a black suit and tie. We make it to the funeral home to see all of the house mates there. We thank them then we go and sit down. While the priest was talking I could tell Riley was fighting back tears. When to priest was done we all went outside, before we had to go to the burial spot. And I almost couldn't believe my eyes. It was Brittany! I was so mad, how dare she show up on this day and how did she even know it was going on. Me, Brennen, and Colby walk up to her, when Riley was talking to my mom. We get to where she is standing and I say "how dare you show up here, you are not part of this family and Riley is dating Colby now so just leave them alone." I hear Brennen and Colby agree. But then she looked me straight in the eye and said "don't you know who I am?" "A maniac" I whisper under my breath. Then she looked straight at me and said "I'm your 4th cousin." Brennen, Colby, and I all say "WHAT." Brittany looked at us with this horrible smile and said "yea I'm your fourth cousin so I should be here." We tell her to leave immediately or we would call the cops because she may be my cousin but she it's Riley's so she doesn't need to be here. Brittany finally leaves, then we all go into the funeral home and see Riley hugging one of her aunts. We walk up to her and tell her what had just happen and she said "it's good I wasn't out there, cause I would have tackled her to the ground." We all laughed, then we headed to the burial site. When we made it there Riley started to tear up and we all tell her "it's ok he's in a better place now." She agrees as Colby wipes away her tears. "Why don't you go over there and try and comfort your mom?" I ask Riley says "yea I should shouldn't I." I nod my head. Riley and Colby head over to where her moms standing as they start to lay the casket down in the ground. Brennen puts his arm around me and says "I wonder how your dads doing?" I turn to him and say "oh my gosh, I was so focused on making Riley feel better I forgot about my own dad!" Brennen said "it's ok I think we all did." Then at that moment I hear my phone ring. "It's my mom" I say, I step off to the side to talk to my mom

On the phone with my mom

Me: What going on

Mom: your dad is awake!

Me: WHAT!!!

Mom: yes make it down here as soon as you can

Me: Ok the funeral is almost done I will be there in a few

Mom: ok love you

Me: love you to

Off the phone

I just got off the phone with my mom as Brennen walks over to me and asks if everything is ok. I tell him about my dad waking up and he seemed very excited. Then we headed over to where Riley and Colby was standing and told them about my dad and Riley said "well what are your waiting for lets go!" We all run to the end of the graveyard and call an Uber. We all get in the Uber and was greeted by a man in his late 40's that says "where you guys off to?" We tell him "the hospital" he nods and says "ok what type of music do your guys listen to?" We told him "panic! At the disco or Tøp." He gets out a panic! At the disco Cd and says "it's my daughters" but to be honest I think it was his. We spend the rest of the way singing.

At the hospital

We thank the Uber and pay him them we run into the hospital, up to the front desk and say we are here to see Kevin Nova. She tells us that he's is room is room 340 which reminded me of the Queen Mary but that wasn't important. We go into the room to see my dad sitting up eating an omelette (his fav). I hug him immediately then I introduced him to Brennen and Colby. He looks at Brennen and says "you finally found a boyfriend ey." I let out a week laugh and started to blush, then I said "yes I did and I love him." My dad smiles, then continued to eat. I turn to Riley, Colby and Brennen and say "today has had it's up and downs but we made it" then we all gathered in a hug. Then I turn to my mom and dad and say "well now that your better we will have to head home." My mom and dad agree then blow me a kiss as we leave the hospital room. We go back to my moms house and we all laid down on the couch and slowly drifted off to sleep. As I was falling asleep I was thinking how excited I was to get back to LA after all the had happened this week.

To be continued...........

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