Asked to Move out

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Two days after the wedding 3:00pm

Since Riley and Colby were on there honeymoon and the housemates were at Vidcon I invited Brennen over. We sat on the couch and watched my favorite show Chicago Fire. We watched the season finally and then Brennen asked me the question I've been waiting for.

Brennens P.O.V

So me and babe just got done watching this show she showed me called Chicago Fire, and to be honest it's not that bad. We finished the episode and then I got nervous cause I wanted to ask her to do this big thing and I didn't know if she was ready. "Well here we go" I thought to myself. I turn to her and ask...

My P.O.V

Brennen looked at me with this nervous look and said "would you like to move in with me?" I turn to him and say "I don't know if I'm ready." Then I pause and say "I'm just joking. I have been waiting for you to ask that question for a long time." "I would love to move in with you." Then I smiled and said "I love you." I have never seen someone go from really disappointed to really happy that fast." "I love you to." He said while giving me a kiss 💋.


Brennen had just left so I decided to text Riley. I know I shouldn't bother her but I couldn't control my excitement. I text her saying.

Me: Guess what just happen 🤗

Riley: What 🧐 🤔

Me: Brennen just asked me to move in with him ☺️😆😊🤩🤗☺️😁

Riley: Wow I ton of emotions 😂

Me: yea I just love him so much

Riley: So when are you movin out

Me: I don't know we have to discuss that

Riley: do you want me to tell Colby

Me: no I will I think he should here it from me

Riley: ok ttyl

Me: ttyl

On the phone with Colby

Me: hey can you talk

Colby: yea wud

Me: nothing much but I have something to tell you ☺️

Colby: you got a cat 😂

Me: nope better

Colby: what is is tell me 😣

Me: Brennen asked me to move in with him


Me: IKR!! I can't wait I love him so much

Colby: when are you moving out

Me: I don't know yet, I'm going to ask him tomorrow

Colby: ok well I've gtg ttyl

Me: ok ttyl

I put down my phone and think "I can't wait to move in." Then I go down stairs to get a snack. As I'm opening the fridge door I hear a slam from upstairs. I run up thinking it was buddy or Navi but when I get to the stairs I see the dogs laying in the living room. I cautiously go upstairs and look in all the rooms when I get to Sams room I see that one of his paintings was on the ground. I go and grab it and put it back on the wall. Then as I head out I noticed that, the picture that kept falling when he would play the midnight game, was on the floor. I put it back in its place and ran downstairs to Navi barking at the garage. I comforted her then I went outside and got an Uber to Brennens house. When I get there I knock on the door and wait for Brennen.

Brennens P.O.V

Im sitting on the couch on my phone and then I hear a knock on the door. I go and open it and I see Aspyn. She pulls me into a tight hug and says "I think I just encountered a ghost!" She let's go of me and I say "are you sure it wasn't one of the housemates pulling a prank."

My P.O.V

After I tell Brennen about the picture he asked if one of the room mates were pulling a prank on me and I said "there's no way I saw them all leave and I would have heard them come in." He looked at me and said "ok you can spend the night with me."


Me and Brennen just got finished watching a movie and he asked "are you hungry?" I said "yes." He thought for a little while then I said "why don't we go to Tender Greens" he smiled and said "ok, but give me a sec to change since I'm in my pajamas." "Ok" I said.

At Tender Greens
I order a salad with a steak and Brennen gets the same. We sat and talked about a few things then I said "so when can I move in?" He put down his fork and said with a smile "when ever you feel like it I'm in no rush" I smile and say "well let's wait till Riley and Colby get back" he agreed then went back to eating. When we finished our food we got back in the car and drove back to Brennens house.

At Brennens  house

Brennen let me borrow one of his shirts and I got the pair of shorts that I always keep in my car. Then I got into Brennens bed and got on my phone while he was brushing his teeth. I saw a text from Sam saying.

Sam: where are you

Me: I'm at Brennens I had a ghost experience in your house and I was not about to stay there any longer

Sam: 😂 ok

Me: hey can you blame me one of your paintings fell then the picture of just you fell off to

Sam: wait the one from the midnight game

Me: yea it freaked me out

Sam: I have been having that same thing happen to me


Sam: idk I didn't want to freak u out

Me: well I'm going to bed

Sam: ok ttyl

Me: ttyl

I put down my phone as Brennen is getting in the bed. He says goodnight and kisses my forehead and turns out the light. As I drifted off to sleep I thought "I can't wait to sleep in this bed every night.


Me and Brennen are woken up to a crash from the kitchen.

To be continued...........

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