Chapter 1 I'm a Human?

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I look in the mirror the same ol' refection of mine that I've grown up with. But sometimes I don't even feel like it's me. All I see is a face, a face that according to beauty standards of this generation would be gorgeous, but not mine. It were as if someone else is sitting inside that mirror someone totally different than me.

Now Playing ....."Every Breath you take"

Hello my name is your name, no seriously it is y/n. I'm nineteen years old born under the star of Aquarius which does not help with my current situation. Which situation you might be wondering, eh? Well let me break it down for you, their is a part of your brain located the medial temporal lobe of the brain, called hippocampus which is responsible for all your emotions. In my case I feel like that part is missing, although in my CT scans it is clearly visible but I think it has stopped functioning long ago.

Hence my situation, that I dont feel any emotions. Don't get me wrong here though, I show emotions but I cant feel them as my own. Let me clear it up with an example I might be showing affection to a dog doesn't mean I feel love for him.

Then why dont you get it checked? ........Do you think anyone can help me.

Did you face any kind of abuse in your childhood?...........Actually no, normally 90% people have a rough childhood, I come in the rare 10% with a perfect life.

Then what has caused this lack of emotions in me?...It's an answer even I'm searching. And the only person who can help me is someone like me.

~Author pov~

With that she opens the door to her room and walks inside. The interior of the room is pretty mediocre, white and grey walls with black and red furnishing. She wasn't fancy or anything yet the room had a class. In one side of the octagon shaped room, there was a bookshelf stuffed with books from different genres. To the naked eye, it would be an ordinary book shelf but to the ones who knew it's secrets it was far from ordinary.

Her fingers glided across array of books, mythology, psychology, frictions, maths, criminology and stopped on one particular book, pulling it out a click sound resonated in the room revealing a secret room hidden behind the now-not-so-ordinary-seeming shelf. Pushing the door wide open she stepped in her real room, a room revealing her real personality hidden behind the fake one she showed to others.

The room looked like a detective's office the only thing different about hers that it was dedicated with investigation one person. That persons pictures covered each inch of the walls. A screen was in the middle of the room looking at whose display....

One side of her mouth tugged up, as a sinister smile spread across her features, "I'm back honey."

~Author's bullshit~

Yea yea my undeceive ass couldn't decided to write a new story without completing the last one. Yaay!!!

Whose excited I am!

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