Chapter 30 Betrayal?

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"Aghhh" the man cried crawling across the white marbled floor leaving a red streak. Slam another hit directly breaking his ribs, yet did the man stop? No, even if his nails dug into the rigid hard marble his will to fight never stopped.

The room filled with smell of blood and unsmoked cigarette which the boy rotated between his fingers. He looked up, waiting for this to end so that he could finally have his love on his embrace again. Who knows what kind of filth would lay their eyes on her, feeling they could have her. Such people, oh he just wanted to scope their eyes- ...a phone call brought him out of this thought zone. Pulling it out he say the caller name of Jimin, a sudden panic took over his system as he picked it up.

"Hyung! What happened to Y/N!?" he growled.

Stammering a bit the elder after some ah and that's finally said "well she went to washroom ... And it's kinda been long..."

"What?! I told you stay with her at all times!"

"Well... Jungkookah...I couldn't exactly go with her to the ladies washroom.."

"Fucking ... You are my man... You can!"

"I can... But it's kinda rude.."

"Oh fuck it!" With that he cut the call sprinting out. The burning cigarette fell somewhere on the way. At full speed his long legs carried him to a nearby washroom. Without a hint of shame he slammed the women's door open making the ladies scream and scatter away. He looked in each stall but she wasn't here. Then the next one. Then next. Next.

But she was nowhere...

Huffing out of air he loosened his tie. Dark thoughts of her leaving clouded his mind.

"No no... She mine!" He screamed into the night like a lost wolf. "she can't leave me! I won't let her!"

Panic rushed through him as his unfocused gaze moved from side to side. Breathing become hard for him, his hands grabbed hold of his shirt where his heart beated like it could bust any time.

Taking in deep breaths he calmed himself down. The sweet memories of Y/N flooded his mind, how she held him, how she kissed him, how she made love to him and how she loved him.

"Yes... That's right she... She won't leave me... Never ever..."

Once his calm was back he realized that he was near the garden. With his senses back he could hear hushed voices coming deep within the flora. He would've ignored the voices as a wild adventure if he didn't recognize one of the voice.

His eyes widen as if he could penetrate the dark and see the red dress on his porcelain doll. There she stood in all her glorious beauty behind a bush. But she wasn't alone, a man in mask was holding her in his embrace. The boy fisted his hand in anger, turning his knuckles white. His teeth gritted together. He wanted to peel who ever that man right off his woman but what broke his heart, peircing a stinging pain through his body when Y/N returned the gesture.

Slowly he stumbled back, his feet carried him back. Tracing his steps he found the cigarette lying on the floor still emitting red light. Red like his eyes. Picking it up he entered the room.

All the men in the room became alert. A worried Jimin and Taehyung walked towards him, "are you alright ? Tae said you sprinted out without a warning. "

Looking up he replied "Yes... You guys go ahead ..Y/N she would be calling you soon "

"You found her?" Tae asked ... But a dark glare the boys eyes made him shut up. Without waiting for a reply both of them walked out closing the door behind them.

The unconscious man laid in the floor where Jungkook left him. Squatting down he looked at him, playing with the cigarette a bit. A sinister smirk spread on his lips as he shoved the cigarette right inside the man's nostril.

A scream roared through the room as he woke up. Innocently smiling Jungkook greet him "Wakey wakey uncle. I knew you where a bad egg tryna grab my position... But you know as we are blood related I'll give a last chance... Tell me who was it?" He tilted his head a bit.

A chuckle escaped the man's lips "me a bad egg? You are the one whose bad! Born out of a whore! I would never let a spoilt blood like you take over the Jeon clan!"

"Ohh... So you are rejected the fact we are blood related? Well.." getting up he went to the table and grabbed something "that makes things easier..." He held a butchers knife next to his dripping evil smile. "after all later I'll feel less guilty."

All his men knew what horror was about to unfold. Unfortunately they couldn't look away.

Slowly the boy walked towards the man who lying on his stomach. "Hah! You and guilty! Don't make me laugh!" He mocked boy. With the unwavering smile he took the knife tight in his grip. And with one swift swing it rained on the lower area right where his lumber spine ended. A peircing scream roared through the room.


Whipping his face he went for hit number two. Right through the starting of his cervical spine.


A psychotic laugh accompanied the screams as the boy slowly yet with pleasure peeled the man right off his body. The brute strength in the boy was pumped in his system as he replayed the scene of Y/N in another man's arms.

With that the night carried on.

"Oh L/Y/N I love you so much... For you to betray me like this... But my love for you won't stop or lessen.... I'll show you who much I love you to the point you can't think of anything but ME."

With that the night carried on... Unfolding who knows how many horrors...

A/N bullshit~~~

Happy birthday Jungkook-ssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... Belated now but anyhow!

I can't with this pic 😂😂😂

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I can't with this pic 😂😂😂


On a serious note tho...sry for the late update my real life had me all caught up in it's web.

And tho the chapter was finished yesterday my Wattpad has the tendency to give me hard time while I try to publish...I really don't know why it does that but it does.....

So thanks to all my readers who have been patiently waiting for this update especially QueenLamb who insfires me from time to time!

If you like my stories pls be sure to vote!

Love y'all

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