BONUS Seed...(Teaser)

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~After 30 years~

A sigh escaped her bored lips, as she filed her nails, looking up the glass tinted ceiling her eyes blink as her hands reach up to trace no particular patterns in the empty space. A drip of blood that stained her long nails slowly got towards her porcelain dolly face thanks to gravity. Like raindrops falling from the heaven, droplets of blood fell drenching her beautiful white wedding dress. A coy laughter escaped her red tainted lips as she looked up in utter joy, her sweeter than sugar voice that could melt anybody's heart as she watched her sweet lovers body hanging on the ceiling as his face slowly melted away. 

Bringing her fingers she licked the delicacy before giving a satisfactory moan of approval, with that she got up and walked towards the church's gates picking up a glass of drink as her heels  clicked and clanked on the wooden hard floor covered in blood of all her wedding guests who just had a perfect cocktail concoction by her, a little bit of vodka and acid. Pulling the handles of the gates she beamed a smile brighter than my future, 

"So wanna know what happened next?"

With a wink she walked away leaving one of her bloody messes. 


Wonders of riches where only the 1% of the population controls the world, the rich leisured away throwing away money like tissue papers in an underground auction. High profiled politicians, tech genius, celebrities gathered in one place in order to indulge in the illegal activities of nightmares. But they were gathered for a special item tonight, a boy prettier than any doll made, preserved in a glass jar just like a delicate rose with its beauty forever intact.

A pair of guards walked down the basement, giving it one final check before the auction started. As the passed by the prized possession they had found days before in an abandoned burnt to the core mansion in woods, it was surprising as everything turned into ashes this container remained intact, moreover the contains of it weren't even affected by the death ball surrounding it. What they found inside it was even more mesmerizing, and ah indeed it would captivate anyone who would see it. 

As they walked away the boy's eyes opened in a flash........

"Oh my dear dolly dolly dolly, how I wanna slice your face open and stitch it back up"


Hello my lovelies, how have you been? 

I can't believe it that we have reached 50k *author nims screams*

Don't worry our psycho Y/N is coming back ;)

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