Chapter 5 Intel

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Now Playing MANOLO by Trip Lee

First day was surely interesting , a dark chuckle escapes my lips as I walk home after day 1. After I bid my 'friends' goodbye for the day, I walk towards my own house. Never have I been this happy after returning from school but oh no I wasn't alone as I could feel someone walking behind me, trying to hide their presence to the best of their ability. Hah amateurs! With a sharp turn or two I lost him only to come behind the confused man.

He was a guy I had never seen before, he was taller than me but short in comparison to Jungkook, to tell you the truth he looked pretty adorable like a mochi but not as cute as my bunny. He ruffled his hair and muttered cursing how boss will kill him for loosing me.

Hmm, boss eh?

I could take him down here and now and extract all information from him but there's always a next time and surely I dont want to open all my cards on the first day. With that I saw the mochi man retrieve his steps and walk off to another distance.

Returning home I greet my parents as they ask how my first day was, to which, surprisingly reply with a genuine smile that it went well, more like very well. After dinner I do what most students would do, study but what student dont do is what I'm about to do next.

Checking the watch, 12;30 it displayed I quickly made my way towards the secret room, which for now was only decorated with my pc's. I turn the machines on, and with some commands and clicks easily hack into the school software. I am no super genius hacker, but I am a super genius learner and had learned the basics of hacking in a program I attended in a camp. Plus the school system was no high fi pentagon maze in, it was simple and easy. Once in I clicked open the student profiles which were classified information to be accessed by staff only. Earlier today I had seen the password when my homeroom teacher typed it in to access my info.

First on list was of coarse the mystery boy, Jeon Jungkook. His profile was clean, no criminal record, perfect grades, perfect peer compliments, perfect teacher etc, a little too clean and perfect to be true. With some more clicks it was clearly evident that someone had messed up with the information, someone not from inside. Hmm, who on earth does that ..I'll tell you who, people who have somethings to hide. Unfortunately the person who must've done it, was a pro unlike me and had made sure to remove all traces of himself along with the original information uploaded on Jungkook's profile.

I need to do something about it.......

Next was the mochi man, who I quickly found out was a senior in our school, named Park Jimin. His profile, too, was speck less like the later. Shifting to a different computer I opened one of my fake Instagram account and hunted for Park Jimin which was easy as he had thousands of followers, which was did not come as a surprise to me considering he was a handsome man. His pictures mostly consisted of selcas and pictures, wait let me phase it in a different way, lovey dovey pictures of him and another man that I would describe as utter beauty. The other man's name was Kim Taehyung who again was a senior. Some rare pictures consisted of Jungkook, making my earlier intrusion correct, that the boss that mochi man mentioned was indeed my Kookie.

Wait ...did I just claim him as mine....ohhhh. With that an embarrassed blush creeped up my cheeks as I downloaded those 'rare' pictures cropping everyone except Kookie out and hitting the print command.

Damn it y/n concentrate!

Opening Kim Taehyung's profile I saw how his profile mostly consisted of pictures, wait lovey dovey pictures with Park Jimin and others were blur photos of him and then was the most adorable dog I'd ever seen.

To no ones surprise Jungkook did have a profile with thousands and thousands of followers but no pics at all, sad.

That night I slept at 5, due to the fact that I had stalked all their social media handles and their activity log, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, Grinder (though Kookie wasn't on this one), everything. But mostly due to the fact that I forgot sleep was needed and I had to wake up at 6 due to the reason called Jeon Jungkook's photo's.

I have to get better pictures of him and well also order a dakimakura of him. (Note; Dakimakura means body pillow)

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