Chapter 14 Knowledge comes at a cost, sanity

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Now Playing "Too Cool for school" By Fountain of Wayne

My fingers skim through the array of books, some thinner some thicker some old some new, in the library. But all in all they were boring for me, for I have read em all, at least the ones they provide on a high school level. What can I say, as a child I had a lot of free time.

I won't say I'm a smart person, it's just that I have an IQ level of 200+. Books teach us a lot. As a child I was never a social lovable kid as I am now, books taught me how. I never knew which organ or vein in human body was meant for what, books taught me what. I never knew a humans personality could be so diverse, books taught me which.

Normally I would not pay heed to any of this low level knowledge but today was something different.

"Y/n! Did you find it?" Bong si asks me.

Smiling I nod pointing at the bundle of books in my hand.

"Oh great" she chirps as we walk back to the table where the people from our group sat.

Earlier today our psychology teacher had given us a group project to work on. Lucky for me my kookie was in my group. Of course I couldn't show my pleasure infront of everyone, but on the inside I was jumping with joy.

Which brings us to this current situation, me, Jungkook, Bong Si, Ari and Hoseok, were occupying a table in the library in a corner.

As we return to the table instantly Hoseok jumps grabbing the books in my hand, flashing me a flirtatious smile. "Let me help"

A fake smile forms on my lips as my eyes travel sideways where my kookie sat, his jaw clenched as his fist balled up in rage.

Oh God, he looks so cute fuming with jealousy.

Hoping past Hoseok, I sat besides Jungkook, which calmed him a bit. But that somehow didn't get through Hoseok's thick head and throughout the time we discussed he tried his smooth talking with me. Which again, didn't do well with Jungkook and his temper.

"Oh we don't have theory in any of these books." Ari intervened.

I had finally had enough with Hoseok and his vague tries so decided to volunteer to get that book. Walking away I sigh, I had planned to spend some alone time with my honey but damn Jung Hoseok and his interference.

Roaming through shelfs I finally find the book I was looking for, but damn all tall people who thought of creating taller book shelfs. Standing on my tips I try to stretch as I almost reach the book I desired.

"A little more." I murmer under my breath.

Suddenly I feel warmth on my back and hard muscles press on my soft back. My breathing hikes as his warmth breath tingles on my ear. A hand taller than mine shoots up easily grabs the book I was aiming for. I lick my lips reminiscing about the day his delicious lips devoured mine. My legs shake in heat as slowly involuntarily my body moves back pressing the closeness between us even more. As soon as I do that I hear a lustful growl that came from deep within his his throat. Bitting my lips I feel a hardeness on my butt and I was about to turn when he removes his presence completely.

Was he...just hard?!! For ME?!

Sighing I release the breath I didn't even know I was holding and after composing myself go back to the group.

The whole while I did my best to 'accidentally' and for some apparent reason he tried his best to ignore me. And then there where other people, Hoseok who tried to get with me, Ari who tried her way with Jungkook and Bong Si .... Well she nothing, actually I like people like her, quiet and obedient.

It was late already and as usually my knight in shining armor of red, was protecting me as I made my way towards my home. Obviously as usual I were to pretend that I didn't know his existence. But somehow I was so lost in my thoughts from earlier that I failed to notice another presence approaching me.

It was until he surprised by coming right infront of my face. The drunk stink hit my nasal cavity as I stumble back a bit.

"Hey baby" he slurs "wanna play with me. "

Now don't get me wrong, I'm an independent woman who can save her own ass. But if you get the perfect opportunity to get your ass saved why would you leave it?

So like an Oscar winning actress I started my drama. "Please... Please leave me alone" in a meek voice even I couldn't recognize. Slowly my feet carried me back as his slowly moved closer to me.

"Come on baby.." he extended his hands making my weak woman who is still waiting for a chauvinist hero to save me.

"DON'T TOUCH HER FUCKER!" came an angry growl.

As expected as soon those flithy hands were about to come in contact with me as punch hit his face, probably breaking couple of his teeth. The drunkard stumbled and fell from the strong impact. And out emerged an angry Kookie from the darkness, his eyes darker than the night and bloodlust filled his veins.

He is angry for me. For ME!

Wait ... Wait y/n he's gonna kill mind finally processes as I watch him slowly approach the fallen man like a predator going for the kill. Blood dripped from his fisted knuckles.

No kookie is bleeding.

With that I sprint towards the angry boy catching his arm. His angry gaze falls on my scared features, scared for the bleeding and the infection it could cause, and his gaze softens a bit.

Huffing I say, "we need to go" with that lace my fingers with his pulling the shocked boy along with me.

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