Chapter 27 First Date

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Cover credits go to the talented name_less_

Now playing "Sweetener" by Ariana Grande

Sliding out of the tub I grab a towel wrapping it around my wet body. Whipping the fogged mirror I stare at my reflection. The gorgeous face that I was born with still enact where it was, yet it looked so different, a bit more flushed..... More lively than ever. The eyes which before had no sparkle shined like diamonds. And those lips which weren't kissed for the first time looked plum and soft, maybe because this time he knew it was me who he was kissing.

Ah love ... What wonders it can do

Getting out I find a gorgeous red dress laid out for me on the bed along with matching heels and... And matching bra and thong set. Goodness what plans did that boy have in his mind? A flush redder than the dress spreads on my face. Humming with happiness I slipped on the dress that hugged my curves perfectly. How did he know my size? Anyway it looks so beautiful. To compliment it I put minimal makeup to highlight my features.

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{Pic taken from Pinterest}

A note that had a red rose attached to it was kept on a side table. Picking it up I smelled the flower, which consisted a scent sweeter than any I had smelled before, a deja vu hit my nostrils as I recognized the scent that of fresh blood. Oh he knows me so well. The note was written in a beautiful cursive, that I recognized, as I have observed it, copied it, my love's writting . Bitting my lips I read the red inked words.

Good morning love,

Hope you had a good night sleep, in my embrace. Just so you know you looked absolutely stunning in my arms those luscious locks of yours, that are all mine too play, I would love to have them every morning from now onwards.

If you have slipped the dress I have kept for the gorgeous you come down, I've prepared another surprise only for you.

Yours forever and only yours,

Oh God.. This man excites me so much. Quickly putting on the heels I sprint towards the stairs. On the foot of the stairs, he stood like a royalty clad up in a black suit with a bright red tie similar to my dress. His eyes sparkled as he saw me descend taking in my form, from my face to my lips to my neck to my exposed neck to the curves that were exaturated by the dress to my long legs that teased him and his hardnesses hiding in those fitting pants of him. I was no shy creature either as I took in his sharp features, that toned muscular body hiding behind that Armani and that bulge that dared to reset l tear the poor Armani.

Admist my shamelessness I missed a step or two tripping down. I closed my eyes in anticipation of pain but it never came. What came was a warm embrace that I was in just last night. His hot breath hit my face, as I slowly opened my eyes to come face to face with his worried face.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he held me like I was a fragile baby.

Nodding a bit I bite my lips as I stared intently at his lips.

A knowing smirk spread on his lips as in a seductive tone he whispered, "I guess you liked what you saw." With that he came down, our lips mettling with each other's.

Pulling away he slip his hand under my knees picking me up bridal style. A shocked grasp escaped my lips as I begged him to put me down, "I must be heavy, kookie put me down."

He chuckled "hardly kitten you are light as a feather. "

He took me to the kitchen where a mouth watering meal was set for us. Carefully placing me in one of the chairs near the island he paced to the other side. "Eat up...I .." scratching his head he looked a little flushed" I prepared it all for you."

Looking at the dishes I gulped as they were all my favourites. "Really? " I chirped in joy as I took a bite and hunter in the foodgasm. "It's delicious kookie!"

A smile bloomed on his handsome features as he watched me eat. Occasionally he would feed me as he watched me enjoy my meal.

After we were done he took me to a room. The room was mostly empty with only a large mirror standing in the middle. I stood infront of the mirror and he trailed behind me. Watching his refection I saw him take out something from his pocket but it was hard to see what.

"Kitten?" his soft voice send shivers of pleasure down my core.

"Yes?" I stared intently at him who stared back with the same intensity.

"I love you you." With that he slipped a sparkling necklace on my bare neck. The pendant had a bunny engraved on it.

In aw I smiled  and replied "I love too

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In aw I smiled  and replied "I love too... It's beautiful".

Kissing the crock of my neck he placed trails up till my ear where he whispered "so wanna go on a date with me?"

Excitement hit my system as with joy I hoped around pulling him for a tight hug. "Yes!"

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