Chapter 17 Past

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Now playing "Middle Finger" by Bohnes


The last memory of her was when I was five. Five and tiny curled up trying to hide in that cursed crooked place of hell. Moaning voices of my own mother resonated in the tiny apartment of one room and a attic. The attic where I had spend most of my life, was actually a home to me, home beneath which was the hell and the gate keeper of hell, my own mother.

Did I hate her? No, infact I actually loved her, loved her so much yet she never loved me. She said she did but no, sure didn't. If she did why would she do the things that she did?

Peeking from a loose board I saw my loose mom escalating under the new man's touch. At this point I had seen her make the same face under countless number of men, all men except me. Because when she saw me her face held disgust utter disgust, I should've be sad about that but weirdly it made me happy. It made me feel I was special that she gave me and only me that look, the look of disgust I had come to love.

But one day it stopped, her love towards me stopped when she hitting me everyday. It was the day when that man came, he was special I knew it coz looking at him she shook with fear. He looked familiar, more like me, was that why she gave him the special attention that until now was mine? He told me...."I'm your father" he told he would take me away from this rachet hell, away from the witch.

The thing was I didn't want to leave. But I had to.... Soon he came claiming me his heir. Dragging me away from my mom who didn't even give me a second glance, you know coz she didn't want to miss me.

Days and weeks passed in a glimpse, but me I just missed her, dearly. The new found father of mine had bought me in a house no mansion thousand times bigger than that match box, it was decorated with servants on each step, who were ready to do anything for me. But me I didn't want any of it I just wanted the lovely look that woman gave me, the look no one else would give me.

On one rainy I fell sick, doctors and maids piled up taking care of me. But the temperature won't go down, they didn't know what was happening to me but I knew.

Mustering all my energy I got up and ran and ran out, towards my love. But that love had changed. Their she sat cosy in the arms of a man I had never seen before. Something was off about him, the way she looked at him with... With affection! Affection that was only meant for me!

Anger rose in my body, I felt myself shaking.

They searched me for a week before they tore down the door of a house. The house belonged to my mom's lover, whom she moved in with leaving the lovely memories we shared in the hell behind. I had gone to the length of redecorating the walls with the perfect shade for her, red... Blood red. Whose blood that scum who dared take my spot.

The man who called himself my father looked at me, a hysterical laugh escaping his lips as he patted my back saying "that's my son". His annoying voice only stopping when one of his henchmen calling him, shit scared looking at the horror in the kitchen.

In the fridge her beautiful self and her expression of love towards me, her face of disgust, was preserved to perfection. Now this was something to be proud of.

Since then the man who called me his blood, never dared set his foot near me. Monster he called me, bad blood of a whore he called me. But do I care? Not really. I know he is scared of me, the same fear he gave my mother, and I just L.O.V.E that.

Ah sweet memories......a smirk play on my lips as I twirl the glass my hand. A red flush creeps up my cheeks reminiscing the moments from Y/N house.

"Mom, I've find someone better. Who actually looks at me with love in her eyes."

I look at the preserved human puppet with a scowl on her beautiful features.

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