Chapter 28 Goddess

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Now Playing "In the dark" by DEV

The night fall came earlier than expected, as our date continued into the night. A romantic candle dinner, cliche yet so sweet. No fancy restaurant needed, just me and my love under the blissful blanket of stars. A single candle illuminated the table as we ate our food in silence. Our gaze never leaving others, whereas the seemingly innocent demeanor was something else underneath the tablecloth as our legs tangled with each other's like a stitched together.

Oh something interesting is coming after this dinner.

Once the food was done with, we went to the poolside to gaze at the beautiful lighting nature had blessed us with. As the stars twinkled we looked at each other's gaze. Slowly our lips moved closer and closer until they met. The light feather touch turned into a passionate one as we made mouth love. A lick on my bottom lip was enough for him to claim my entrance.

Grabbing my hips, his muscular arms picked me up, our lips never leavening the others. As I wrapped my legs around his waist he took me inside.

The mansion was all for us, bumping, pumping, jumping on things we danced around kissing the life out of each other. Finally his hand hunted down the bed in the dark and he fell on it carefully to not hurt me. 

Not able to control myself, I threw all my manners out the window along with my clothes. My fingers grab hold of his shirt, tearing the buttons apart. Oops...oh well he can buy a new one.

With a chuckle he said "someone is impatient tonight. Shouldn't this be the other way around, how this is your first time?" His hand reached up caressing my panting face.

"Well sir Jeon, you really have a false image about us virgins".

He was amused surely, but then he won't let his dominate position be at stake. With that he turns the table, me under him, him top of me, through the dim moonlight he studied my features.  Now that he looked at me with such intensity and only this lace underwear and bra protecting my virtue, that shy factor kicked in.  Instinctively my arms wrapped around my chest as my flushed self looked away.

A tsk catch my attention as he gently grabbed my arms, "don't hide such beauty from my eyes"

Slowly my gaze met his compassionate ones "but ...." But my but was cut with a light yet loving kiss on the forehead. "trust me kitten".

Nodding a bit I opened my shy arms offering my everything to him. I could see his eyes sparkle, but they didn't only contain lust rather something more.... More and deep like love. Under the moonlight his lean body looked amazing as his pecks and abs got highlighted.  As if sensing my curiosity he moved back a bit and guided my hand to euphoria.

(Get it... euphoria! )

Lean yet tight, rigid yet so flexible, hard yet could one man be so much at once? His own hands were no innocent as they glided across my curves sending shivers down my core. 

As if mine and his needs kicked in when my hand went to his back pulling him closer to my heated wet self. A chuckle escaped his lips as he sensed my impatience make a return. Instantly our lips like magnet and iron stuck together. It was a light peck after which for a brief moment he looked up and said "baby I want you to know I love you lot".

A smile bloomed on my face "I love you too Kookie". With a smile of his own, he kissed my lips and started placing butterfly kisses making a trail down my body. From the jawline to the neck to the nape to the collar bone  to the middle of my chest to my belly button, sucking a bit each time to mark me his. Then back again only stopping when he reached my chest. With his expert fingers in seconds the martial off, revealing my natural mounts.

A sudden jealousy pops up in my head as I say "oh I see someone is experienced..."

With knowing smirk he replies "well I won't lie when I say I am, but" he kisses both of my erect buds "these are the only ones I worship and love"

A flush rises on cheeks as I let him play with them. "I can't wait" he murmers before taking one of my nipples as his fingers played with other. His mouth licked, sucked and his fingers groped, pinched all the time I was a moaning mess, grabbing his dark ebony locks.

"Agg..." He groaned as he looked down, my gaze travelled with his to the clearly visible bulge in his pants.

I chuckled a bit "let me help" with that I worked on removing his pants which again were thrown somewhere, oh well he'll get new ones.

He looked at me again, looking deep into my soul. As if we were connected so deep, we could actually read what's in others mind. He was asking for my permission, asking weather I was ready. Which I was so I did the simplest thing I granted him the permission he and me so desperately needed. 

That night not only our bodies were connected so were our hearts and souls. Under the blessing of moon goddess we made love.

"You are my goddess, you are my everything..." He whispered those words all night.

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