Chapter 42 Family

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NOW PLAYING "Doll House" By Melanie Martinez

"Aghh...more....harder more more...don't...don't stop....Jungkook!!" with that my dream shatters as I pant in heat. Its been way too long without my lover besides me just way too long, but still it wasn't the right time. A knock on the door brought my attention from the lust land as I said "Enter". It was Taehyung and Jimin with a smile of victory on their faces.

"we have successfully infiltrated system of Min industries just a little while more before we release it all." Taehyung said.

"Good, Just a little bit more and I will be back in his arms." I reply. "just thinking about it gives me tickles."

"So whats next? Plan bunny elimination is going well...when will we make Min Yoongi fall for mercy?" Jimin says excited.

"Calm down babe...just a bit more right Y/N?" Taehyung says.

Getting up I look outside as dark ominous clouds take over the sky "Yes a bit more"

After the little chat the boys went out in order to dig more dirt on the Min clan. Apparently running a school line doesn't mean you are squeaky clean, oh no, it was worst than mafia, well at least mafia doesn't deny of their evils. However they behind the angelic mask of making future were doing crimes of high quality. The institute which is a breading ground for the best of best is actually meant to create monster masterminds for the Min family. So basically they are putting the 1% of the best human genes under them and control them. Although we don't have full proof plan to get the corrupt government to make an actual move against them but I don't have any intention for that to happen. Don't get me wrong I'm not a nice person, just that their is enough monsters like me no need for more and well who will monsters like me dwell on if all the good men are gone? And also the main main reason, that bitch Min Yoongi pissed the wrong bitch.

Walking through the halls of the place I had endless memories with my buck I take my phone out and dial my parents number, "Hello eomma appa"

"Darling how are you?" they both said in harmony.

I knew they were home, mom was cooking together with dad and the phone was on speaker, both of them were happy. Although they were my own blood I couldn't understand how come we were so different. 

"Guys I just wanted to tell you that I will be going on a trip with Jungkook." Their was a aloofness in my voice which they caught on to.

"Baby will be a long trip?" my mom asked in a sad tone.

"Yes a long long trip." I just replied. 

Then they started murmuring to themselves saying words like we should tell her, but she is also our daughter, we know this day will come. Then finally my father says after a long pause, "Dear we want to tell you something."

Something was up, something serious was happening and I could tell my the change in atmosphere, "What is it dad?"

"Dear, the thing" he stammered as my mom completely stopped speaking. 

"Dad..come on tell me.."  

"Well you ...we adopted you when you were just a small baby, we aren't blood related." 

I just froze, I who should be shocked right now just froze as my 'parents' screamed asking my welfare. But was I shocked? Yes kinda, not really it was as if I knew this already. 

"Who are my real parents?" I just questioned.

"Um...we aren't really sure but it was a young call girl who was no longer able to take care of you so she left you in the adoption center." my mom replied with tears in her tone.

"Which adoption center?" my own monotone tone not wavered by her tears.

"Darling ...please listen to us..." my dad said.

"Tell me!" and I just snapped as a sudden blood rise of excitement rose through me. I was curious what kind of people it took to give birth to a monster like me. The society creates monster? Fuck that true monsters crawl out of the womb of their mothers!

This sudden snap was surprise to both of them as fear took over them they said "Angel Adoption Center of Seoul."


Cutting the call I grabbed my keys and went out. The center was situated on the outskirts of the city. A tall old church building rotten and in derbies. The center it seems was long closed and I could only spot a caretaker in front of the building. 

"excuse me." I called him

"Yes miss how may I help you?"

"Actually I'm looking for someone."

After a while I finally had a name and address which wasn't far from here. Go figure considering the state of this place. Walking inside a maze of streets I found the house or I rather say tent I was looking for. Her real name no body knew, but her work name was Mary, ironically. 

"Hello is someone home?" I called out

no answer


"Who are you searching for dear?" a old lady I assume was the pimp of this area asked from behind me.

"Oh..a prostitute named Mary?"

Taking in a smoke of her lit cigarette she blew it out, "Sorry darling you wont find her here."

"What did she move out?" 

"Yes she moved out from this world." she just replied with sadness in her tone.

"Wait..didn't she give birth to a daughter?"

"Yes she that I see you, you kinda remind of that handsome guy..."

"Handsome guy?"

"Yes..her daughters father."

"Is he alive?"

"He must be considered how he had an empire to protect him unlike the poor Mary."

"Who is he? Please tell me!"

"Oh honey you wouldn't want to meet him but if you do....."

As I walked out towards my car I dialed Taehyungs number, "Hello oppa I was wondering if you can find this person."

"Wait Y/N don't you know him already."

"No..who is he?"

"He is the head boss of this mafia...."

My eyes widen as adrenaline rushes through my it can't be....

"Jungkook's father"


As Kaname said in Vampire knight "We are siblings yet we are in love..but this something only beasts will do"

Don't come after me for making them blood related, does it matter after all they are psychopaths. Being crazy flows in their blood after all. 

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