Chapter 20 Y/N gets kidnapped cox she wants to

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Now playing "Girls" by Rita Ora

The rosy pink plush lips where curled in a pouty shape, as sure whistled a song. Her hands were still secured behind her on a chair but looser than before so as she had no discomfort.

The girl who wore a butterfly mask covering half her face, harshly bit her lips. The expression that y/n made, each and every one of her movements her flexible body made, it just excited her to the point that she just wanted to worship her. Realization of her own thoughts hit her as she thought that indeed the woman infront of her was a goddess no ordinary human. For a goodness for her status to be in a filth like this was unacceptable. Anger rose through her veins as she balled her fist turning her knuckles white.

A sigh calmed her down, as another reality rolled back in her thought chain. She was no match to Choi Ho, her so called partner.

The dusk was on them when a girl was following another. The other girl who just came out of the grocery shop with a bag filled with her favorite ice cream, had enchanted the girl when they first met. The girl was bright as sun when she entered their class room for the first time her angelic expression, everything she did attached the girl more and more towards her. But being the shy and meek kind she never had the guts to approach the shining angel. But as if the gods were finally on her side, when they got a project together. Surely there were others with them, none the less she was happy. Surely she used to get disgusted when Jung Hoseok would try to get his filthy hands on her but Y/N never heed any attention to that male, which made her happy. Males who were all perverts they should never get their rotten hands on the angel no goodness called Y/N. Her crush had turned, without her notice, into an obsession to the point that sometimes after school she would go to her place waiting outside for a glimpse of goodness. That day she had run into her worst male fear Choi Ho, the bully who would just not leave her alone, even after she had run away and changed her City and school. Immediately he draged her into the plan of kidnapping her goddess, claiming that she would bring good fortune to both of them. Although she still didn't understand his motives she wanted poor y/n out of her mess, but she was helpless and couldn't defy Choi Ho.

~your pov~

Whistling I danced my legs in the air. My dear Bong Si, who thought I can't see her, hide herself behind a box admiring me. Seriously what was that huge monkey thinking, leaving her as my gaurd, maybe in this thick skull he thinks us in the same category.

Well I would love to admire her admiring me but I've got important shit to do. Them being the big question with a bigger question mark, what would that idiot get from kidnapping me. By the looks of it that idiot and lover girl aren't exactly partners, more like master-slave, so she might not know the reason, plus I don't think she would be ready to hurt me.

Thinking something I scream, "excuse me! " Bringing her attention to me and like an obedient slave she ran towards me.

"What happened Y/n?" Worry laced through her words.

"Oh ..." A bit coy I replied" I actually want to go to washroom. You know lady problems. "


"Yes I understand, wait tell me untie you" with that she scrambled around removing the ropes.

Getting up I stretched my body, at the same time looking a bit shaken up. Cox obviously I'm kidnapped here not on a picnic.

"So.." I say unsure as to where I'm supposed to go. The girl who was carefully looking at me like I was something out of this world snapped from her thought chain n pointed to a way leading the way.

My earlier observations were correct, this was indeed a warehouse near a dockyard. The place was falling apart meaning it was no longer in use, perfect place to hang someone upside-down. The washrooms were situated next to what seemed like a room for supervisor. Loud shouting noise came form the room, by the rough sound in it, it seem that of that thick skulled idiot.

"Go in" she gestured me as I entered she stood right outside the door. What a creep. Entering I go to my stelth mode, taking out my knifu poking a hole in the old rotten material.

"Ok the hole is done now time for glory" I murmer peeking through the hole. The room besides wasn't that big and I had a perfectly nice view of the man next door.

"Listen let me talk to your boss!" He screamed in the phone.

Boss? Who is he taking about?

"Tell him I have his girlfriend! ....aghhh her name is Y/N! If he doesn't come I'll ki- ".

Before he could speak any further a growl roared from the other side. "dare touch a single hair on her head and you will see your head rolling on the ground". The voice loud enough that even I could hear it, the man was suddenly shaken up in fear.

Recovering from his frozen state he continued "so I'll see you at dockyard no 7 Jeon Jungkook!"

With that the call ended and I walked out the stall to meet the still in gaze woman.

So it was about my Jungkook, oh the way he roared for me, so many, so powerful, do I not want to tear my panties and run to him.

Now that my curiously was quenched I could strangle this woman and run away. But oh no.... I'm L/Y/N I got kidnapped coz I wanted to and now I will stay coz I want to. Also because I want my hero to save me, hold me dear in his arms. Ahhh I'm excited.

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