Chapter 26 Guts & Glory

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Now Playing "No glory" by Skan & Krale

(A/n: this chap is being written Cox I like that song)

~third person pov~

Yoongi let out a heavy breath as he stood mighty and high, his pale fingers getting paler as his grip tightens on railing. The school which he ruled chirped beneath him, each and every face happy within him. He should feel proud yet he didn't. The empire which his forefathers had created for him wasn't ruled by him, the true ruler stood above him, twirling his unsmoked cigarette. He hated him, to all his being, the day he stepped foot on his land, that day he sullied every being.

He couldn't do anything about him. Even if he was heir to the Min Co. with a backing like that you might think he could achieve anything, he thought the same until he met Jeon Jungkook. With a whole underworld under the boy he came in his territory like the devil himself. On the first day he had already broken the jaw of one teacher. Even though Yoongi wanted to discipline him he couldn't do much. After a short period of detention, which Jeon just called a vacation, he was back rolling with his dou.

Then it was just a playtime for Jungkook to mock Yoongi and his oh so mighty rules. All kinds of crimes started flowing in his prestigious academy. Drugs, vandalism, cheating and what not.

But now all was about to change, he had finally found the key to his befall, L/Y/N. (I've noticed that before I had given y/n last name Kim, which I will edit and correct soon) He didn't know what the boy saw in her, surely she was alluring enough to captivate any man's heart but such acts only lead to their downfall. Even he knew it was dirty play but if it results in him gaining his glory he will do anything.

Walking inside with his hands crossed behind him he looked at the nervous faces of his council men. Even they knew the risk of what they were about to do.  Jeon Jungkook was the king and to mess with his queen was a dumb move yet their president was rigid in his decision.

With shaky hands Hoseok raised his hand "president are you sure about this. To flirt with her was fine.. But then again this is serious prez!"

A cold glare was enough to send him off. There was no way he was gonna change his decision. To him his pride, his prestige, his glory was more important than a measly woman.

~you pov~

I walked slowly looking at the cloudy sky. For some this would be an ugly season but I enjoyed rainy days like these, the water that can create life and can also destroy all it's creation. The wind screamed in anger, thunder raged as pit black clouds took over everything. This was a signal for the incoming of a strom.

A smile bloomed on my lips as I picked a red rose smelling it's fragrance. My intuition meter had already warned me, with this strom will come another one in my life. Titling my head I looked at the skies "You dare challenge me? Now? When I'm so close to my goal? ...ha... Funny, I'll let you try."

A sweet voice of my darling "babygirl come inside... You might catch cold" hummed in my ears. With a final glare at those skies my smile turned twisted wrath for a second before it returned. Turning around I happily hop inside into the warm embrace of my love.


This chapter would've been updated long ago... But of course dear good ol' Wattpad has to give me a hard time everytime...ugh..

Anyway hope you are enjoying the book.. If you are don't forget to hit the ⭐ to vote for the story you love.

K bye ~ love y'all ❤️

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