Chapter 7 Bunny Mask's

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~No one's pov~

NOW PLAYING "Cheap Thrills" By Sia

She moved her hips side to side with the rhythm of music as men gathered around her admiring her astonishing figure. Each one of them wanted a piece of or more likely a piece of their's inside her. But she didn't care as her target was someone else, sitting perpendicular to the floor, gulping down drink after drink. It was sure a weird place Y/N thought to herself as she blessed men around her with a flirtatious laugh as they tried to have there way with her while dancing, but she was no easy fish in the sea, she was a mermaid and the only association they have with men is that they serve as her food.

This was a club that her queen bitch had chosen to cool off the heat and anger she bore against her Kookie and her. It was owned by mafia, which Y/N quiet didn't know but here everyone can cover up their real identity with a mask, and so the reason for her bunny mask, and just enjoy your time without the fear of revelation. Such an intelligent idea she thought.

When her eyes again traveled to her dear queen bitch, she was no longer alone but rather was joined with three men whose faces were hidden behind masks

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When her eyes again traveled to her dear queen bitch, she was no longer alone but rather was joined with three men whose faces were hidden behind masks. One with a mask that resembled a fox, other's resembled a butterfly and the last guy who came, he wore a simple white mask decorated with a cute snout of a bunny and black ears on his hairband, it looked cute and harmless yet it oozed a dangerous aura, if I may say so a aura so sinister that it alone can strangle anybody. It dared bystanders to think him as a prey while in reality he was the predator, a wolf behind sheep skin.

Y/N eyes widen when she realized who was behind that mask, it was as if her superhuman intuitions screaming

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Y/N eyes widen when she realized who was behind that mask, it was as if her superhuman intuitions screaming. Her movements slowed down a bit as she watched the bunny mask get closer to the bitch as she gave him a peck on cheek, her attention was so lost that she didn't even notice a perverted old man's approaching squeezing her butt. A shriek escaped her lips, as she instinctively slapped that guy.

Her calm demeanour was gone, and her breathing heavies. She felt the sudden emotions pouring out of her eyes, and she just wanted to go out. As she was about to run off, the old man grabbed her wrist, now if this was a normal situation she would've beaten the crap out of him, but she wasn't acting normal. She was scared as the man started screaming but she felt suffocated, her mind hazy, her body shivering. The whole floor had turned to see what's happening, some enjoying and some pitying her. With a weak pull she tried to free herself, but to her avail. Looking how scared the girl was the man had plan's to take her to his room, but his plan's were quickly dismissed as he was stopped by a tight killer grip on his shoulder. He looked behind and his face turned pale.

Behind him stood the owner of the club, whom he recognised as he wore a distinct bunny mask, unlike other's whose mask screamed sexy his was adorable, but those who knew him knew that he was far from adorable. He gulped as he let go of the wrist leaving a red mark around it, the girl was now in arms of the boss. Quickly he apologized trying to go away but again he was blocked by two men who dragged him off the floor.

Now free from his grasp, Y/n found herself at peace in the 'strangers' arms. Her breathing, her mind, her body all calmed down as she was lead outside by him. Outside they sat on the stairs as she wrapped her arms around his sculpted to perfection body. They were alone under the dark night sky the only voices that could be heard were of her sobbing.

"It's okay..I sent that bad man away." he tried to soothe her down as he patted her head.

"I'm..I'm not crying because of him." she wailed, her voice was low and cracked unlike her usual high pitched chirpy self.

For a second he thought he recognized that voice, but he quickly dismissed it as it was not possible for her to be here. "Then why are you?" he had concern in his voice, which seemed weird to him as never in his lie he concerned for anyone, especially if he had nothing to gain from it.

"The guy I like just got a kiss infront of me." she sobbed.

"What?! Who is that asshole!" he saw himself asking, which again was weird, again.

She looked at him, her red contact hidden eyes meeting with his black orbs which peeked from behind the bunny shaped eyes and wiped her tears, before saying "He was no asshole" with that she got closer to him placing her lips right above the bright red mark the bitch had left on his cheek. Her own lipstick, darker than hers left a perfect lip shape on his cheeks that with the color red and dark like blood.

With that she said a quick thank you before walking away. All the the boy froze, somewhere in his rotten heart a flower of pure bliss bloomed. He felt ...happy? Weird, he never would let any female he had no gain from touch him, let alone kiss him but that female who he just met as a coincidence did things that he had never felt before. It was as if his died emotions were beating again, she gave him the same vibe that Y/n had given when he first meet her.

"Sir the job is done" a voice from beside him snapped him out of his thoughts and he just nodded. Originally he had stopped the old bastard because he recognized him as a guy on his list of people who owned him but as soon that bunny masked girl came in his arms, he just felt protective towards her. Her sweet vanilla scent reminded him of someone but again there was no way his angel couldn't be in a place like this.

His phone buzzed as finally he decided to take it out, it was filled with messages and calls from a persistent bitch who he was with only because of the deal going between his gang and his loan shark company. Tsking he called her only to receive no reply and he dismissed it as the fact that she got 'angry' with him, like this morning. But this morning something flicked in him as he saw Y/N look at him with sadness filled in her eyes.

Returning home he removed his mask and went to take a shower. When he was done he looked at the blood red lip mark on his face which was so stubborn that it didn't want to part itself from his face. A dark chuckle escaped his lips and he straight went to bed, his dreams filled with sweet angel Y/N and the dark demon sexy bunny mask.

At around three in the morning, his phone started ringing. At first he ignored it but the constant ringing didn't stop and at last he woke up angry at who dared to interfere his delicious dream. He picked up the call and growled "Who the fuck..!1"

The sleepiness in his eyes vanished as he said, "FU*K"

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