Chapter 4 Forbidden places

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NOW PLAYING "Trouble by Valerire Broussard"

(Or you could play by RM and Jin ;))

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I hoped towards the stairs going to rooftop, going to the library was just an excuse to get out. My actual destination was here. The entire floor was deserted with no students daring enough to even come to this floor and it only consisted of empty classes.

Now according to my always right intuitions this person, Jeon Jungkook has shown darkness same as mine but but but I cant be sure as till now he hasn't demonstrated anything which implies the similarity between us. He has had a 'gangsta' surrounded childhood which would've affected his behaviour now but those were just baseless rumors. I need solid proof. And if you want to get something you need to do it yourself.

With that in mind I reach the foot of the stairs which are clearly decorated with the warning screaming "DO NOT ENTER" as if it were a lions den, or maybe it was indeed the lions den. But as I was about to hop the bordering rope a voice from behind stopped me.

"Miss you are not allowed to enter that place." said the stern sounding voice.

I looked at the person, a handsome face with arrogance in his demeanour I would say, any girl would fall for him even me if I didn't have my eyes on someone. Zooming in his name tag, said, "Min Yoongi, student council president." oh so he is the prez eh?

Flashing a brighter than your future smile I reply, "Oh I'm sorry I was just checking out this area I'm new in this school."

"Even if you are new doesn't mean you can't read?" he crocked his head.

Yup, first intuition correct about him, hes annoying, "Well I can read pretty well actually but I think you need an eye check up." I gave my sassy reply with my smile not wavering


But I had to cut in and said, "Well as you can see I'm outside that warning sign not inside it." pointing towards the rope.

He gritted his teeth as he closed in the distance between us, "Why you-"

But again he cut off by sound of steps coming down. Both of our turned around to see who this new interruption was only to find Jungkook coming down. His demeanour was calm but his eyes had the darkness of an upcoming storm as he glared at the prez in a deadly way. He did not like the closeness between me and that Yoongi guy and just came down to us glaring a warning deadlier than that warning board near the stairs and just grabbed my wrist dragging me with him. From our back I could only hear Yoongi throwing curse words at ..not me.. but Jungkook. Seems like they've had a past together.

The grip on my wrist was getting barbarous now with my wrist turning pale. I could see him mumbling something to himself. Pulling a bit I complained about the pain but to my wail it was heard on deaf ears. Trying again this time with more force I said, "Jungkook it hurts!!"

He stopped completely and then pushed me into a nearby empty classroom closing the door behind us.

"Wha-" I wanted to ask but he didn't let me finish as he pinned me on a nearby wall. His breathing was uneven as his sharp hot breath hit my face. You would expect his breath to smell like cigarettes but no, it smelled fresh and minty, but wasn't he smoking.

Glaring down he gritted his anger and said, "STAY. AWAY. FROM. HIM"

Before I could ask why or anything he let go of my wrist and just walked away.

What on earth was that?

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